Both EB-1a and OR?


Registered Users (C)

Here a lot of you mentioned about filing EB-1 and NIW at the same time, how about filing both EB-1a and OR. The reason I am asking is that I am doing OR sponsored by my employer. My qualifications may worth a try for EB-1a so that (I suppose) I may get approval sooner than OR and I won't be tied so much to my employer.

Welcome any clues on this. Thanks.

Originally posted by Long327

Here a lot of you mentioned about filing EB-1 and NIW at the same time, how about filing both EB-1a and OR. The reason I am asking is that I am doing OR sponsored by my employer. My qualifications may worth a try for EB-1a so that (I suppose) I may get approval sooner than OR and I won't be tied so much to my employer.

Welcome any clues on this. Thanks.


Yes, you can file both.

I doubt one would be processed faster than the other. They will probably wind up on the same pile. The OR will probably receive less scrutiny, especially if your company is well established and uses a reputable lawyer.

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