Boston Interview completed! I just have to go for the Oath now!


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I had my citizenship interview yesterday. Things were very straight forward. The first thing the person did who interviewed me was asked me to raise my right hand and swear to tell them truth. I was then asked for my passport and green card. He looked at those. Then he reviewed my N400 section by section and asked me if my answers were still correct for each section. I made a few minor corrections and also gave him an updated list of travel outside of the country since my N400 submission. I was then asked 10 of the 96 civics questions (I got all correct). He then told me that I passed the questions and he was recommending me for citizenship. I was told to go outside and wait for my oath letter. I was given my letter and oath date which will be on Dec 7th.

I brought a ton of backup paperwork - tax returns, old passports, old INS visa's, etc etc but was NOT asked for anything other then my green card and passport (BTW my green card was employment based).

A couple of interesting points:

1) After he told me I passed my civics test I jokingly said to him..."Aren’t you going to ask me the question on what are the first 13 states in the union are?" He said "we don't ask that question. It’s too difficult!"
2) I had listed a couple of traffic tickets. He wanted to know if I had ever been to court. I said no. He said that I should not have listed my traffic tickets. I said the question indicated had I ever received a "citation" so I included the traffic tickets. He said he was only interested if I had ever had to appear in court or had ever been arrested. Since I never appeared in court or had been arrested he changed my answer from Yes to No and then moved on.
3) My notice said report to Room 1. Room 1 is also known as room E170 in Boston JFK building. It is the same room.
4) For employment history I was very very briefly asked who my current employer was (who BTW is different from the employer that sponsored my green card). There were no questions about how much time I stayed with my employer that sponsored my green card or why I left.

That’s about it! If anybody has and questions or wants to know more details please let me know.

N-400 RD April 20
FP Appointment May 20
Interview received Sept 13
Interview Nov 6
Oath Date – Dec 7
dr_z said:
2) I had listed a couple of traffic tickets. He wanted to know if I had ever been to court. I said no. He said that I should not have listed my traffic tickets. I said the question indicated had I ever received a "citation" so I included the traffic tickets. He said he was only interested if I had ever had to appear in court or had ever been arrested. Since I never appeared in court or had been arrested he changed my answer from Yes to No and then moved on.

This is what I noticed at my interview also: the question was very specific: have you ever appeared in a court of law? They didn't ask "any tickets?" or "any fines?". A little different from what the N-400 instructions say...
Congrats and 1 question

Hi Dr_z

Congratulations on being a citizen. You nailed it.

I had 1 traffic ticket for speeding 30 over 40. For that on the ticket "Court appearance was necessary" so I appeared in court pleased guilty and paid fine of < $500.

for 2nd ticket court appearance was not necessary but I went to court and the ticket was downgraded to obstructing traffic and I paid fine < $500

Does any of the above sound like a problem? I got the transcript of court dockets for $10 each from court.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Since both fines were less than $500 and you already have the court documents, you shouldn't have any problem.

Thanks Guys for the reply.

I am sorry I did not see the date on his post. I should have said belated congrats:)

Thanks again.