Boston FP question - please help


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I have appt with INS for FP on 11/05. But I want to get it done early on 11/1. What is the procedure? Do I just show up? Would there be any waiting involved?

Also, if anyone could tell me where the FP is done in Boston, directions, experience, etc, I would greatly appreciate.

Thanks in advance.
hi, luckyam, I haven't gone to the FP step; however, I heard two storied that FP was taken ealier than expected. Both of the persons came to the place taking FP ealier than the notified date. One is a pregnant woman, she said she was going to give birth during the days in which FP was required to be taken. So she got FP taken with her husband right away. The other is a person who will be out of town for a meeting during days in which FP needed to be taken, so the couple got their FP taken right away.

I'm not sure what you need to bring; but should be same docs you would take with you on the notified FP date.