Border INS guy gave me this document... Regarding VISA Req. for PRs in Canada


Registered Users (C)
Embassy of the United States of America, Ottawa, Canada

Public Announcement Concerning Visa Requirements for Commonwealth Landed Immigrants Residing in Canada

1. Beginning Dec 16,2002 (I was told by him that it is Jan 1,2003 not Dec 16,2002.. please check the accuracy), all landed immigrants in Canada must possess a valid passport and non-immigrant visa to enter the USA. This requirement will apply to citizens of the following commonwealth countries who were formerly exempt from visa requirements:

(...List of BCC.....)

Please note: 1) this is something about hongkong and some europian countries... I don't feel like typing it cuz I think its irrelavent to most of us.

2. Effective immediately, US consular sections in Canada will accept non-immigrant visa applications by mail from landed immigrants residing in canada who are citizens of the commonwealth countries listed above. Information about applying from non-immigrant visas, and all necessary application forms, can be found at the following internet address: To find the application forms, go to the "visas" section on that page, and click on "visa forms"

3. Commonwealth landed immigrants applying for non-immigrant visas must submit the following:
-evidence of landed immigrant status;
-a form DS-156, fully completed and signed. Separate forms must be submitted for each applicant, even if applicants share a single passport.
-a fee in the amount of $100.00 US per applicant, paid in the form of a money order or certified check(** see Toronto section below for special fee instructions for that consulate.)
-a passport valid for travel to the U.S. The passport must have an expiration date at least 6 months beyond the intended duration of the visit;
-1 photo of the applicant, 37x37mm, full face, without head covering, against a white background;

....... and all that shit.... well i am tired of typing... but hope you guys got the crux of it.....:( . Well I work in US and live in Windsor. I have a valid visa until April 2004. So, I don't have to worry until then. But since some of you have requested to see this doc, I sat infront of my comp. and started typing patiently.

Wish you the very best.

Gumnam Guy.