Here is a news article that pretty much sums up the blame game that is going on in Washington ..
GC_TRAP said:I was thinking the other day about illegal immigration and a thought popped out of my head!
Let's say 11 million illegals are put on the path of citizenship and immigration in the next 5 to 10 years. Now, when the H1-B's apply for and get their green cards, they become free from the "bondage" to one employer and have the choice to pursue whatever jobs, or even different careers they wish to pursue. And in majority of cases, they find better, higher-paying jobs (natural progression).
Now imagine, 11 million illegals with green cards! Why would they continue to toil for $3/hr under the table when now they can go and work at a Wendy's or some other legal workplace for at least the minimum wage or even higher. To a great extent, exploitation of illegals by large and small businesses in America will be reduced by this action.
So, the illegal who toils at the farm in Florida for a pittance (has no choice today, he is living in the shadows), can now quit that job and move up (natural progression of human existence again).
So, the question is, will that farm job go unfilled again (when the next harvest season rolls around) as there are no low-paying (read illegal) workers available? Will that open another round of massive illegal aliens (300,000/yr at the least) crossing borders to fill those farm/other jobs?
I wonder...
saras76 said:GC_TRAP,
You have made a great point. I think that there is no real solution to the illegal immigration problem. Making 11 million illegals into legals will only give way for the next wave of 11+ million illegals who will come in the next 4-5 years.
Lets face it, America needs illegals to do the low paying jobs. The American economy would feel the pinch if illegals are taken out of the equation. Its funny how no one is talking about this obvious fact. In this election year every politician is talking about how they are concerned about "Americas National Security" and how this immigrantion bill will make things safer. It is such bull. America needs illegals and cannot do without them. That is the ugly truth that no one is willing to admit. Rest assured that once this mid-year election is over this issue will die down till 2008 when some party will decide to make a big issue of it again.
mummiezed said:but you middle class should know: the rich have a similar view on you as you on the menial labors. Through taxation, inflation, and exploitation, this modern world keeps people poor enough so that they work every day. you are just another ordinary cell in the MATRIX. Funny that you want to be one!
Look at the average American middle class citizens: debt to eyeballs. GC is not your passport to freedom.
saras76 said:mummuiezed,
Although you have written the post really well, I fail to see what your point is and how it relates to illegal immigrants ...
You should think of running for some sort of political office because like any other politician you have made some fancy statements that amount to nothing ...