Blah Blah message has changed


Registered Users (C)

Finally, BCIS has changed their meaningless (online case status) message. It now says...

"It is taking between 450 and 480 days for us to process this kind of case. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message". Hopefully, they would try to respect this commitment, though they have already failed to keep this in many instances.
thank you for sharing the info, insfan. after reading your post, i had to pause and smile, as i too had been looking for some sign, groping for some little shred of evidence, that things might be a little better with BCIS than they were with INS. i smiled at the realization of what we, the green card aspirants, have been reduced to: clutching at straws to keep our hopes from drowning.

i wonder if "they" will ever really know what each of us had to endure, the emotional roller coasters we had to become adept at riding every day, living with the possibility of seeing the lives we had worked so hard to build for our families shattered at the drop of a hat, whether by layoff or delayed paperwork.

i apologise for waxing pholosophical, and for the mixed metaphores!

btw, insfan, will you henceforth be known as bcisfan?