birth certificate

Get non Availability Certificate from Municipality/Corporation and Affidavits from parensts and one close relative.
If your birth was ever registered then u if go through proper channels u may get it in 2 weeks.
If you want to register now, it may take atleast one month (assuming u hvae the right connections) - because u have to go through magistrate and collector
There are not many options:
1. Get original BC from municipal corp


2. Get Non-availability certificate for birth from municipal corp along with 2 affidavit preferrably from each parent/ elder siblings/ relatives / friends (in this sequence). Samples of affidavits of births are posted on this site. If you search for them you will find them.
What if the Birth certificate has in complete info.

The birth was registered , with Mother's first name spelt slighlty wrong ( last letter being i, instead of 'y') and also No Last name for mother. Fathers Last Name is not expanded, just initial letters)
I checked with the authorities, and it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to change the info on the birth records, after it has been registered several years ago.

Does/did anybody have similar situation ?. and how did you overcome it ?. Please share anything you know about it

Thanks a lot.

i have the same situation where my mother first name was there on the BC but no middle and last name and hence considered incomplete. What i did was i got an affidavit of birth from each of my parents with their full and complete names (full first name, middle name and last name - all spelt out). If you search for affidavit of birth you will find the templates i have uploaded. Make sure the affidavits are in the format specified.
The affidavits have to be on stamp paper and notarized.

I have not seen any specified amount for the stamp papers.
I had taken mine on Rs.20/- Stamp papers.

yes on rupees 20 stamp paper and each page of the stamp paper should be notarized by the lawyer.

It is very simple, take the sample from this forum, email to your parents, have them buy 2 Rs 20 stamp papers and type out your sample on that stamp paper, then sign it and then give to a lawyer for notarization. My parents were not aware of any of this ...all they did was took a print out of that sample i sent them, asked a lawyer to provide stamp papers, told the typist who sits outside court to type it out, then signed the affidavits and then got the lawyer to notarize it. Should not take more than 1-2 days.
Residing in US

What can be done, if ones parents are residing in the US.
Thank you all very much.

I am guessing your parents are here on a visitors visa. If that is true then when they go back home they can take care of it.

If they are not going back in near future since they are on other visas or for other reasons then there are two options:
1. Have your parents execute the same affidavit in USA.


2. Have two of your closed relatives who are elder to you (example: Uncles, aunts...elder siblings) who are residing in India to execute the affidavit.

I would suggest doing both 1 and 2.
While in the US

My parents may not be going back before my interview. If they execute the Affidavit in the US, what kind of stamp papers do we need.

Thanks Divekar.
If one has to execute an affidavit in usa then i am GUESSING it would be the same procedure. Go to a local court, enquire about stamp papers, inform a lawyer to get this done and pay the fees. I am sure it would be expensive if one does it here due to the stamp paper fees and lawyer fees.

Since you really need the affidavit at the time of the interview, the other option is for your parents to fly with you or a week before and take care of it atleast before the interview. In india, things like affidavit take less than a day. And for the time being have someone execute on option 2 mentioned above.
Hi Guys,

I have got non-availability certificate from municipality but it is typed on white paper and the seal is not very readable. Does
anyone know how picky the Mumbai consulate is in this matter?

Should I take the risk and go with it or try to get another one
which printed not typed. Any suggestions?


No one would really know how pciky the consulate is or how picky that specific consular officer would be. If i were you and if i had the time i would get another NAC! If you are running short of time then you can use what you have right now!
Birth Certificate from Indian Embassy?

Hello Friends,

I have a question here, I have applied for I-140 and now collecting documents for filing I-485. As you all know, one of the required documents for I-485 is the Birth Certificate.

I got the Affidavits from both of our (my wife and myself) regarding the birth from the Magistrate (in India). I thought since it might take a long time to get the Birth Certificates from India, I contacted the Indian Embassy at Washington D.C. and got the Birth Certificate from there.

They issued the Birth Certificate with the Indiam Emblem, Embassy of India stamp. It also includes my name, date of birth, parents name, birth place etc.

I just wanted to know whether the Birth Certificate issued by Indian Embassy and the two affidavits issued by our parents are enough to prove our birth. OR INS will expect the birth certificate from india? I dont see any reason why they might ask for birth certificate from India and not accept the Birth Certificate issued here at India Embassy.

If anyone has faced this problem earlier, can you please let me know?

I really appreciate your replies.


We do understand your anxiety,but please do not post the same question in multiple threads.

By posting in only one thread, it would help keep a track of one question and later, when someone needs it, the whole and pertinent information is available in just one thread and dont have to sift through.
