Birth Cert missing


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Guys, I dont hv bith cert. I can get letter signed by my parents.
but do I MUST have "Non availability" letter from the place I was
born? problem is I dont hv any relatives or any body at place of my birth
and i will take two days journey for my parents to get there itself from
bombay! basically to much trouble to get "Non availability" letter..
pls advise..

i do hv a domicile certificate. cn that be used in place of birth cert?

Technically you need to have the Non availability certificate

If BC not present.

affidavits/HS Leaving certificate are taken IN ADDITION to the Non availability cert.

Best option would be to put that extra effort upfront and send some one to your Place of birth Municipality and get a cert (Even if it involves giving out $$.. I dont preach bribing but somethime that is the ONLY option)
Don\'t know about the non-availability cert. but this is what Chennai

consulate says

In cases where birth or marriage certificates from the authorities are unavailable or contain insufficient information, a sworn statement executed by either the parents of the applicant, if living, or other close relatives older than the applicant, all of whom must have personal knowledge of the birth or marriage, may be submitted. The affidavit should set forth the relationship between the deponent and the applicant, how well the deponent knows the applicant, how the deponent comes to know about the facts to which he or she is swearing, date and place of applicant
birth cert from CG

A frnd of mine told me, that I can get a birth cert (or proof
of birth date?) from Indian CG here itself, by showing my pass
port. is that true? has any one tried that?
Some suggestions...

~ Try to get the Non-Availability Certificate...

If it is absolutely impossible to get the Non-Availablity or Birth Certificate... Then...

~ Collect as many documents as you can, to prove your birth date:
    ~ Std X certificate / School Leaving Certificate
    ~ Affidavits from Parents & Senior Relatives
    ~ Birth Certificate from Indian Consular General

You can show these as proof of your birth...

There was a case of a EB IV candidate (on the same day as my CP interview) who didn\'t have the birth cert nor the non-avail cert.

The consular officer told him that he needed to get the Non-Avail cert to be approved, and they would have to re-issue his H1B.

The person person tried to convince the consulate the officer to approve the GC...

The consular officer then referred the case to his supervisor, who after 10 tension-filled minutes (for the candidate & his family), finally approved the GC...

There are cases where the GC has been approved even without non-avail certs... but you cannot take that for granted...

To be safe, try to get the non-avail cert and/or collect as many documents as possible to prove your birth date...

Good Luck...