Best way to transfer from a J1 to an E2 investor visa?


New Member
Hello to all, any bit of advice here would be MUCH appreciated..
(- as i dont want to overlook something that will end up prohibiting me from being able to switch visas...)

Im an Irish citizen, living in NY and planning on changing my J1 visa to an E2 visa.
The new business im starting up is a web business (a social network) that will be developed and managed from the US (AZ) -
The parent has just been registered in Ireland but business will be built and mananged in US (through delaware corp) -

Ive $75k in a loan that will be giving to me by family and friends to invest in my new US business..

This money will be held in a US bank account.

There will be no income generated in the first 9months as its a web startup and will be dependent on Ad revenue and membership (after about 9months)

My J1 is not subject to the 2yr rule and will expire in OCT 09
My goal is to begin the transfer of visas in the next 4weeks so i can begin building my company in the US asap.

I will have outside investment in the company in the region of 200k for a low % share - so ill be retaining well over 70% share.

*Should i disclose other investment in the pipline?
...or Shares allocated to those investors?

*Do i need a letter from the lender of the $75k to specify the terms under which i am lent that money?

* Ill only be employing US web developers and programmers
- will this be a problem?

* Does anyone recommend i apply for the E2 in Ireland instead of doing it directly from here in the US?

*I gather the processing time is roughly 14wks...
do i have to return to Ireland to collect my new visa?

* If i was to apply for visa from Ireland... how long would the application take?

Any light shed on these areas would be very much appreciated -

Many thanks in advance
