Best City to live in US


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Which is the best city to relocate - what is the opinion of people living in Austin, Houston and Dallas - how is it as far as

flight connections
traffic congestion
crime rate

What is the opinion of people living in other cities.
Please be specific about the areas of Houston and Dallas. These r huge cities and there r undesirable areasin each of these cities. You have to consider the location of your work, distance from airport (if u frequently travelling), etc.
Austin is smaller than Houston and Dallas. It is very nice city with a good mix of liberal and conservatism. It has an educated community and a good strength of acadamicians. The traffic is not bad and crime rates r notbad for even the worst of the areas. The schools are good. Envrionmental beauty is good.
Personally, I think Dallas maybe less polluted than Houston.
Both Dallas and Houston are hubs for big airlines, Dallas for AA and Houston for Continental. Although, Austin has a strong SW and AA presence. Schools r good in Dallas and Houston if you stay in the privileged and mid to upper middle class areas. Please dont use my assesment as the final word since I do not have direct experience with the school system.
My ratings in descending order of preference: Austin, San Antonio, Fort worth, Dallas and suburbs and Houston.
Employment market order (high to low): Houston, Dallas and suburbs, Austin & FW, SA.
Housing cost (low to high) SA, FW, Dallas suburbs, Houston suburbs, Austin, Dallas, Houston.
Education: Austin, Dallas suburbs (like Irving).....dallas/ houston...

Ofcourse, if you are ffrom the subcontinent and survive on similar company, Dallas or Houston will provide that better than the other cities.
If I were choosing, I'd go with Austin and Dallas (in that order). Not too crazy about Houston.
Texas is Texas, u gotta love it, wherever you live, its economical, negligible taxes, and maximum salaries (in comparison to living costs). Austin, Dallas, Beaumont, El Paso, wherever you see, you'll love to build a house there. One of strongest recommended places to move in. Its where I live, Texas, where you never have to pay, much taxes.