benefits of becoming illegal


Registered Users (C)
1. dont have to deal with uscis anymore
2. guaranteed working and travelling rights
3. no complicated and time consuming labor certifications
4. no watiign for i-140 for 5 years
5 no need to adjust status after 12 years of additional waiting
6 no need to become a citizen as anyway its not going to happen in this lifetime

my question to those people here legally,is is better to become illegal? and claim all the benefits?
functionalalert, Can I hire you to wash my car every two days?
If you take good care of my 3.2 TL I will pay you 5 bucks every
time you wash my car. And maybe if you do a good job I will
file for your GC and try to make you legal.
functionalalert , if you want to spend quality life then be legal else if you want to just survive then yes, illegal is fine. You have to choose!!!
thanks for kind employment offers

but maybe you didnt get the sarcasm that i tried to convey when i said that if you become illegal , during an election year they will simply make you legal and thats it,no questions asked. why file all these papers and get these fancy certifications

after living here 10 years legally under various statuses and complying with every draconian and repressive law there is,do you think i will break the law now?

but mind you there are some real cases of suffering where people have lost their jobs after 3 -4 years of lc and then have to start over some cases people who came here on h1 disappeared underground simply to avoid the shame of returning home as a failure. they became "illegal" not out of choice but economic necessity (these are not farmers but it programmers who now work in the underground economy,they will benefit now.

while i think helping illegals out is nice and fair,what i am saying is they should have a seperate budget and department handling their cases and our cases should be handled now and fairly
Re: thanks for kind employment offers

Originally posted by functionalalert
but maybe you didnt get the sarcasm that i tried to convey when i said that if you become illegal , during an election year they will simply make you legal and thats it,no questions asked. why file all these papers and get these fancy certifications

after living here 10 years legally under various statuses and complying with every draconian and repressive law there is,do you think i will break the law now?

but mind you there are some real cases of suffering where people have lost their jobs after 3 -4 years of lc and then have to start over some cases people who came here on h1 disappeared underground simply to avoid the shame of returning home as a failure. they became "illegal" not out of choice but economic necessity (these are not farmers but it programmers who now work in the underground economy,they will benefit now.

while i think helping illegals out is nice and fair,what i am saying is they should have a seperate budget and department handling their cases and our cases should be handled now and fairly

I did understand ur satire...alas people are too frustrated at this point and they r not willing to share a laugh with us.:cool:
Actually I was serious about the job offer. Anyway, looks like
you are not interested.

I understand the problem well. I have been legal all my life and
I got the boot once from a company that I worked for so I know
what is it like to survive in a tough economy. I know how people
had to leave and go back to India everything because they
cannot find jobs. I guess when the times were good every
Indian who knew anything about Computers boarded a plane
to US. So needless to say that the average crowd then had to
suffer during lean times. It was only expected. Though I feel
a lot for my fellow Indians who had to suffer terrible things I
just don't see how US CIS could have caused that pain. I
thought the problem was the economy, tons of immigrant
engineers and very few jobs, dot com bubble burst, offshoring
and so many other things to blame this on. US CIS is trying
its best to protect their own citizens from being jobless by
delaying our greencards and making the whole process tough
and cumbersome.

The delays at US CIS indeed make our lives hell but in this tough
economy it is the survival of the fittest. I have talented friends
who are right now stuck in labor but know that they will
eventually make it to GC because they know they are good. I
feel more proud for such people than I feel sorry for lame
ass people who can't fight out the situation. You came to US
to earn money with poor skills and when bad economy is biting
you in the ass you are crying wolf and blaming US CIS.

The plight of illegals is a different story too. You never understand
the life unless you live it. So lets stop blaming those guys. We all
know that US needs these people whether we like it or not. Come
to think of it US nees them more than Computer Engineers. Right?

Our problem lies with US CIS. It is a unreliable and terrible
agency who cannot be trusted with anything. They should
fix their act and that is what everybody here wants them to do.
Everything else does not matter. And that is what Kashmir and
so many other people try to do. Get US CIS to move. Everything
else is secondary.

Hey. Life is unfair. Take it or leave it.
Originally posted by desi-bartender
Actually I was serious about the job offer. Anyway, looks like
you are not interested.

>>>If you are so generous in offerring jobs to others how come
you are still demeaning yourself in front of INS to get a frigging

I understand the problem well. I have been legal all my life and
I got the boot once from a company that I worked for so I know
what is it like to survive in a tough economy. I know how people
had to leave and go back to India everything because they
cannot find jobs. I guess when the times were good every
Indian who knew anything about Computers boarded a plane
to US.

<<<<Where is it written that only Einsteins like you
should board the plane for US>>>

US CIS is trying
its best to protect their own citizens from being jobless by
delaying our greencards and making the whole process tough
and cumbersome.

<<<What a nice way to try to protect their citizens' jobs !!!
At least they should state their policy openly and declare
in a memo that they have stopped working on I-485 because
they (INS) are trying to protect the jobs of american citizens.
You cannot have such implicit policies without telling people
who are waiting for "Yes" or "No" on their applications
for 2 years.

The delays at US CIS indeed make our lives hell but in this tough
economy it is the survival of the fittest. I have talented friends
who are right now stuck in labor but know that they will
eventually make it to GC because they know they are good. I
feel more proud for such people than I feel sorry for lame
ass people who can't fight out the situation. You came to US
to earn money with poor skills and when bad economy is biting
you in the ass you are crying wolf and blaming US CIS.

<<<<Why should getting GC be all tied to survival of fittest
and all this crap you are trying to throw. If someone wants
to live in USA they should be allowed to live here, isn't
thats how europeans came to america in the first place.>>>>

The plight of illegals is a different story too. You never understand
the life unless you live it. So lets stop blaming those guys. We all
know that US needs these people whether we like it or not. Come
to think of it US nees them more than Computer Engineers. Right?

<<<Orginal poster was not blaming life on illegals,
he is just pointing out the irony that legals have to
put up with all the INS paperwork and wait for years
to get through east stage of GC, while illegals get
legal in a day because of the huge vote bank they

Our problem lies with US CIS. It is a unreliable and terrible
agency who cannot be trusted with anything.

<<<When did people start relying and trusting INS,
only thing we the applicants are interested in is speedy
decisions on applications>>>>

Hey. Life is unfair. Take it or leave it.

Take it or leave it but at least live with self respect.!!
Go easy guys! this was supposed to be a SPAM thread, don't start a flame war.

If you have the time why not send a few faxes to the congress asking for speedy approval, since everyone here agrees that, that is what is lacking. :)