Being harrassed by my lawyer!!!


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Hi guys,
I\'m having trouble collecting my original copy of 485 approval notice and my immigration file from my lawyer. He wants me to pay him more money on the grounds that his work load increased due to the responses he gave to a few of my emails during the cource of my GC application. I needed to travel out of the county after i applied for my 485 application and wanted to clarify if it was safe to do so and had emailed him a couple times during the process. He had not adviced of any additional fees that i would be charged if i asked him for legal advice for my GC or for asking him questions, hence i declined to pay him for his unreasonable demand and now he is using it against me by holding on to my original approval notice. I\'ve already gotten my PP stamped with the courtesy copy. If any of you may have had similar experiences, please advice what can be done to get my file back from him and my original approval. Your help is appreciated.

Good luck
pay him and get rid off him

I dont have any experience but pay that bastard and get rid off him. Hope the amount he is asking is not some astronomical figure. Its the kind of people we are dealing with. But, keep track of all the paper work and once you get all the documents in your hand then may be think about taking some action with concerned authorities (dont know who that would be).

Its just my opinion, please take suggestions from others also...

Hmm, it is bad, collect all evidences against you attorney, and after approval go to the court

That\'s what i would do.

That\'s what i would do. Wait for Card then go to court. Inform AILA about this. BTW who is your lawyer
Why do you need the original Approval Notice?

The actual GC will come to you direct by mail and you are all set. By virtue of being your immigration lawyer, he can hold on to the paperwork, but he cannot do any harm.
Sorry to hear that...


Sorry to hear that...

Tell him that you will complain to INS regarding this and having those documents is your right. In addition, you can check with INS if they can issue a duplicate notice.

But if you have your passport stamped and have the plastic card, does the approval notice matters?

Good luck…

No Title

Hi guys,

Thank you all for your responses. I was under the impression that one must have all his/her immigrations docs like we do when we file for H1 and hence I panicked since my lawyer wouldn\'t give it to me. But if he cannot do me any harm by holding on to them it should be ok, besides you are right, what good is the original copy if i already have my PP stamped and the plastic card will come to me instead of the attorney, so i should be all set. My lawyer can very well sit on my docs and forget about making some extra bucks off me. Thank you all for your help again.

Good luck
But inform to this site about attorneys name and address. Also file complaint at AILA office.

After PP stamping, the original approval is no good. It is useless after PP stamping. Don\'t talk to

Atttorneys cannot retain a file to collect an unpaid debt - at least not in NJ

I\'m not positive about the ethical rules in every state. The attorney can retain copies and may even be able to charge you for the copying fees (which can get pretty high).

I\'d tell him that I would be there next week to pick up the file and would be filing an ethics complaint if the file was not ready. He may try to put you off - I\'d be reasonable about a couple days delay but play hardball and get the file or file an ethics complaint with the bar. I don\'t even know if AILA has any disciplinary function. I\'ve never heard of one and I\'ve been an AILA member for years.


James D. Mills
Attorney at Law
It was my opinion ...

It happened to 2 of my friends whose case was purposefully delayed just because they they were pushy with their company Attorney .. And once again it is my personal opinion and stop picking upon me .. Your opinion could be different from others But STOP using names and words like sissy ..
If you have the 485 approval courtesy copy that INS should have sent you , then don\'t bother about
