Begging for advice on shoplifting and immigration case! Please HELP URGENT!!!


New Member
On June 14, 2004 I went to the mall to look for some furniture, I
got on the wrong floor and went to look at the clothes. I
went to try them on, and for some unexplainable reason, I made the
terrible decision of taking three items.

One I concealed under my clothes, the other two in my
children's stroller. In total about $80.

I know what I did is shamefull, specially while having my
children with me. I honestly feel like the worst mothes of all. When
I realized what I was doing was wrong and wanted to put the
items back, it was too late.

I decided to buy some candy for my kids so that
I would be able to go back to the fitting room and return
the merchandise. Unfortunately, I was stopped by
security...I was still inside the store.

They took me to a room and one lady told me to take
my shirt off and give her the merchandise. She also told
me to give her the ones in the stroller. I was in shock!

I know what I did is all my fault and can't
blame this on any one but me. I said I was very sorry
and to give me a chance, I could pay for the
merchandise but they wouldn't help me and called the police.

When the police arrived, they took all my info and I told
him I was very sorry and had no idea why I did what
I did.

He didn't handcuffed me or take my fingerprints or picture only the store
photographed me.

I'm very ashamed for my actions and all I put my family
through, this is the first time I do sucha thing and will
never do again, I have a lot to lose. I let my kids down
and my husband as well, I had a clen record until now.

I would like to know what are the chances of having this
charges dissmised, my husband went to the store and they
said,they couldn't do anything.

I'm just graduate from college and wouldn't like my future being ruined for a stupid mistake. I also don't want to ruin my
husband's career. I learned my lesson the hard way. My kids
are my priority. I know what I did is wrong. I don't want to be a bad
role model for my kids and don't want to be categorized as a
criminal for a stupid decison. I don't know why I did it.
I'm just been so tired depressd that's the only reason,I
can think for doing this. I know this is no excuse but I
really need some adivce. PLESE HELP!!!!

On top of everything I went for my citizenship interview
and told the officer that I was accused of shoplifting. I
told him the items were in the stroller and that I was
still inside the store. He gave me some paper work that I
need to send back when th case is solved. The only way to
avoid denial of application is to get the chagres
dissmised. I don't know what to do. I know I can't be
deported since I have been a resident since '89. Is there
any wayI can still be approved if put on a pre-trail
diversion porgram. I haven't recieved anything in the mail yet and live in Michigan. Please help with any inshight!

Frankly people on this forum (to my knowledge) can advice about what to include in N400, what to do, how long to wait and share their frustrations and use this forum as a vent. But your case is really unique. Similarly there was one guy who had a fishing license problem when he caught more fish than stipulated.

In those special cases we can't do any free lance advicing. The reason? We simply do not know those circumstances. So best bet is an attorney. BTW in my opinion, you will deal with an attorney anyway because of the seriousness of the situation.

Since 9/11, or even before that, the laws of congress (again to my understanding) never gave the longest rope to anyone. They will hold one end in their hands and give the other end to you. If you are anytime a suspect, even after you become a citizen, they can pull the rope and evoke the GC or Citizenship.

Sorry to know about your situation and good luck!
Yes good advice by WBC and JoeF,

Noone wants to speculate , in such cases, but I believe that if charges are dismissed , you will be in good stead. Since your citizenship is in question, I VERY STRONGLY urge you to hire a good attorney to first win your case in court. Once you do so, immigration will most probably not (and likely can't) act against you as you have been proven innocent in a court of law.

If you are found guilty, you can either
a) Reapply for Natz after your record is purged
b) Explain to the adjudication officer your remorse and they have the discretion to overlook this.

Get a lawyer asap

Best of luck
Were you arrested?

I am confused- were you even arrested? Because you say the police came and took information and then nothing more. Never finger printed you?
I bring this up because if you were not arrested and told your officer you were you may be waiting a long time.

Either way, until the case is resolved and you can give the officer a disposition on the case they will not make a decision- or I believe you have a limited time to give them a disposition on the case.

Have a lawyer handle your case - as suggested on this board- one who specializes in immigration/criminal (if it's just an immigration lawyer and they tell you they can help you they are just taking your money- your case is immigration in the context of a crime and that is a specialty within a specialty
Good luck