beemboy,Gamma,did u receive Baltimore interview notice yet?


New Member
I am also waiting for my day....
nd/rd 7/99 Td 6/13 eb3 India
Gamma , please add me to your list.
Somehow ,I am not able to post my message in old chat board.
I will post any new development here.
No Title

Hi Nandu,

Well, I hope you have been reading GAMA and my postings in these web sites. I have not seen a single interview notice received posting in the past ten days.

My best guess is that everything is to put to halt at INS Balt. till they finish entering all the details into the system. I have heard only high praises about Balt. INS from all sources. Probably we need to wait a little longer as there are too many applications. I read somewhere that Balt. INS did not even anticipate that these many applications would be transferred.

Keep us informed. Many thanks.

"...Best of Luck..."