BCIS has taken me by surprize


Registered Users (C)

I got a second fingerprint notification. I do not really know why. Just to give a little bit more info...

RD 08/15/01
ND 09/24/01
RFE 12/18/02
RFE received 01/03/03
Finger printed in last week of April'02(do not remember the exact date).

I am waiting for my approval and I got this fingerprint notice in mail and I do not have a clue why they wanted me to do a finger printing for the second time. I know finger prints are valid for 15 months and since mine are not expired yet I am surprized to see this notice. One more incident of BCIS deeds and how it can throw you off...

Has anybody else experienced a similar thing. I am going to call my attorney and also BCIS tomorrow to know what is going on. Would appreciate your input.

Good luck everyone and God bless.
2nd Finger print notice


I also got the second fingerprint notice today.

RD 01/10/02
ND 01/10/02
Last Finger printed on May 17 2002
This one is scheduled 3rd week of April.

The envelope also contain a Welcome Letter for BCIS.

I am also going to talk to my attorney and call BCIS.

Please let me know what you find out.

Anyone else in the same boat or have any information about this, please post.

cinci2002 and HTS,

did the online message for u guys changed or u only got the FP notice in mail......would like to know as my FP was done in Nov' 2001 and i have not recieved any RFE or any other responce from BCIS.

would appreciate your reply........,

a gap between a local office and Service Center

I did twice fingerprints in a local office within a month, and I passed it in the second time. Later, I received the third one from NSC and I took it to my local office. The IIO made a copy of the third one and sent it to NSC with a letter saying I passed my FP.
I received the FP notice in U.S mail. My online status still says 'your response for RFE received on ......' thing.
Got the finger printing notice again

I got Finger Printing Notice again today for me and my wife . My Rd is Jan 14 2002 .

Hope this is a +ve sign and BCIS has someone to look at our files .


I got second Finger print notice by U.S. Mail yesterday.

cinci2002, did you talk to BCIS or your attorney, Please let me know what you find out about this second notice.

HTS, I spoke to my attorney yesterday and she said it is good to appear for the second fingerprinting just to be safe. I could not get thru the phone line yesterday to talk to BCIS. So, I decided to appear for the finger printing.

I know this is a ridiculous thing, but do we have a choice?

Good luck everyone.
My second fingerprint is scheduled for 04/17/2003.

Thanks Sai. I hope so too.

Good luck everyone. God bless.
Second Finger prints


I got thru the phone line today and talked to IIO at BCIS, as expected they dont know why I got the second finger print notice when they already have the FBI results from First finger prints done in Jun'02, which are suppose to be good for 15 months.

So like you said we have no choice but to go for the second finger prints just to be on the safe side. IIO said the same thing.

Online/AVM message has never changed for me and my family since we filed I-485 in Jan'02, it still says the initial message 'application received on .. it will take 450-480 days to process blah blah ...'
I thought it will change with this second finger print notice but it did not. I will check, if it changes after the fingerprints.

OK guys, here you go. Today my AVM got updated with the following message 'On march 25th we mailed you a notice to appear for finger print recording.......' Online still shows the old message 'response received for rfe....' thing.

This tells me two things. They know that they are doing something there. Their online system is still not back up(assuming it is down) and their phone system/AVM is probably back up.

HTS, thanks for the info bud. Hope everything goes well. Good luck everyone and God bless.
Just to update you guys on what I found..

Yesterday I got thru the phone line and spoke to an IIO at NSC and she says "I am not sure why you were asked to do a second finger printing while your first finger prints are still valid. But I would not ignore any notice from BCIS, I would suggest you appear for the second one too."

She continues to say "Your file is under review by an officer and she might have felt that the finger prints are un-readable or will be expired by the time the final decision is made.".

I also asked her if I can try to go to the local INS office and request them to finger print me earlier than the scheduled date(my scheduled date is 04/17/03) and she said "you can try, but I do not think the local cinci office would do that, that purely depends upon that field office."

So, all of us guys who got their second fingerprints, just go ahead and do them again and keep the fingers crossed to hear that good news that our 485's are approved.

P.S. I would not be surprized even if we receive our approvals even before we do our second fingerprints... did I sound too optimistic there :)

Good luck everyone.