Bay area Citizenship timeline for me.


Registered Users (C)
Receipt Dt : 07/26/04
Got letter for finger printing on 09/09/2004.

Any one know how long it take from fingerprint to interview in Oakland,CA/ San Francisco?
sanjayrpatel said:
Receipt Dt : 07/26/04
Got letter for finger printing on 09/09/2004.

Any one know how long it take from fingerprint to interview in Oakland,CA/ San Francisco?

Look up the USCIS web site. They have dates for each District Office, including Oakland and San Francisco. That gives you an indicator of how long it takes in your area.
JoeF said:
blah blah blah

Grammer is not one of JoeF's strong points. In my earlier post, DO is singular, not plural. Any one who knows SF bay area knows that there is one DO and several Sub Offices to handle workload there. The DO in SF does transfer files to its Sub Office in places like San Jose and Oakland.

Time line that is important here is time between NOA1 and interview/oath. This is available for each DO, including the timeline for SF and Oakland. Time like from fingerprinting through oath is insignificant because fingerprinting is done by contractors and that does not affect your interview schedule (though, it would affect the oath schedule). JoeF, You should be in Olympics. You might win the Gold if they had a competition titled "Misinformation and Flip flopping marathon". ;)
JoeF's Crap O Meter said:
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In honor of JoeF the biggest joker and the source of all things Crappy
dsfgh100 said:
Time like from fingerprinting through oath is insignificant because fingerprinting is done by contractors and that does not affect your interview schedule (though, it would affect the oath schedule).

WHAT THE ****?

Fingerprint time affects oath schedule but not interview ? Are you on an F1 visa still ? Stupid fool
Do us all a favor and goto Madison Sq Garden in NY, where you can kiss the buttcheek of every single Bushfan. Over Here you are just entertainment
JohnKerry said:
Do us all a favor and goto Madison Sq Garden in NY, where you can kiss the buttcheek of every single Bushfan. Over Here you are just entertainment

Lookey lookey who is here. The original flip-flopper, he is here to flip-flop discussions and flip-flop people's chances to get successful immigration process discussed. The Flip-flopper Kerry is here.
JohnKerry said:
JoeF is JohnKerry. The same person with different IDs.

JoeF a.k.a. JohnKerry, You are a certified joker. We laugh at your ignorance and that hollow sound that comes from your ears. :)

Kerry Flip-flops,
Bush gets things done.

Vote Bush '04
Guys...c'mon! You are acting like a bunch of teenage girls....or like one of the presedential candiates...who spend their time in attacking each other instead of debating on issues. Let's not make this very useful portal another political instrument. Also, I must say that JoeF has been around the news group for a long time and has helped a lot of people with his pl' let people help each other. Grow up pl'......
JoeF said:
Buahahaha Nice try.

Troll O Meter
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Sorry, try a little harder next time. Thanks for playing!
JoeF, You are giving them more credit than they deserve. I dont know why you guys are fighting like this over a few politicians who will completely ignore you once they get elected, whoever that might be.