Baltimore Transferee Update 8/13/01


Registered Users (C)
Looks like things are chugging along. Nearly all the 4/01 transferees in the list have recieved ID and nearly half of the 5/01 transferees and one transferee from 6/01. Please continue to update on the thread and post individual experiences.

Name: PD, ND, TD, ID, officer assigned, result

GMC01: 11/98, 10/00, 4/27/01, 7/12/01, Off. C –APPROVED!! Link:
emi: 10/98, 10/00, 4/27/01,7/17/01, Off. D – Approved but on hold 90 days
                                      (CP paperwork). Link:
Near toGC "Baltimore interview-disappointment" 7/18/01 9:17am
tusharshah: --/--, 9/00, 4/26/01, 7/26/01,Off. E – APPROVED!! Link:
vmb485: 8/98, 10/00, 4/27/01, 8/8/01, Off. E – APPROVED!! (Case received 5/5/01)Link:

HS: --/--, 10/00, 4/27/01, 7/27/01, Off. ?A – APPROVED!! Link:
Anastomosis "Balto Xfer 7/30/01 update" 7/30/01 4:59pm
karri: 7/99, 9/00, 4/27/01, 8/21/01, Off B (Case was received 5/16/01)
newtothis: --/--, 10/00, 4/25/01, --
Macika: 9/99, 10/00, 4/25/01, 10/11/01 Off A (Inv. Letter generated 8/7/01)
md21108: --/--, 9/00, 4/27/01, 8/15/01 (Off E)
Himalko: --/--, 10/00, 4/27/01,8/29/01 (Off?)

Sprasad: 2/00, 12/00, 5/17/01, --
SureshG: 8/99, 11/00, 5/17/01, -- (Case received 6/19/01)
OS: 9/00, 11/00, 5/17/01, -- (Case received 5/25/01)
Hysteria: 01/00, 12/00,5/17/01,10/16/01(Off G)
anastomosis: 12/99, 11/00, 5/17/01, -- (case received 5/25/01)
Del boy: --/--, 11/00, 5/17/01, --
objectguy: 02/99, 11/00, 5/18/01, 10/23/01 (Off E) (case received 6/23/01)
greenhopeful: --/--, 11/00, 5/18/01, 10/11/01(Off F) (case was received 7/18/01)
Ajam: --/--, 12/00, 5/18/01, --
nesd: --/--, 11/00,5/18/01,10/23 (Off E) (case received 5/24/01)
mervin: --/--, 11/00, 5/18/01,--
lwei-chen: 10/99, 11/00, 5/18/01, 8/29/01 Off.? (case received ?)
Mkbrr/mkb26: 2/98, 12/00, 5/18/01, 10/16/01 Off B

nickI485: 10/99, 01/01, 6/04/01, 8/29/01 Off. ? (case received 6/23/01)
Hope2GetItASAP: 12/00, 1/01, 6/4/01, --
metairie: --/--, 1/01,6/4/01, --
kevankatr: --/--, 1/01,6/4/01, --
KV29: 9/99, 1/01,6/4/01, --
Cicada: --/--, 1/01, 6/4/01, -- (case received 6/21/01)
baltimorecase: --/--, 1/01, 6/4/01

Also in addition here are……
Listuser’s experience: -
UP’s experience: -
UP "Passport Stamped at Baltimore" 7/2/01 5:29pm
Mr. Patel’s experience: -
sbk "Baltimore Interview Approved" 7/27/01 11:57am
Nandit Barua’s experience: -
ppc "INTENT TO DENY – GURUS PLEASE HELP!!" 7/18/01 10:58pm
gotgc1’s experience:
KVoora "Baltimore Interview Experience." 7/16/01 11:00am
Bajrang’s experience:
No Title

Nice job! If possible, please double-check with your friend HS which officer they had (if the quatation mark means that you are not sure). Thanks.
Interview Date...

Hi there...mine is for 10/9/01..
I wonder why is it scheduled two months later...I have not seen a lot for the month of September. It is not like they have filled up September have they?
Also folks the officer letter (A through F) does not matter because it changes on a daily basis randomly. Officer A today is different from office A tomorrow. Hope this helps..
visited Baltimore INS and found out my FP is missing. PLEASE HELP !

I went to Baltimore INS last Friday to inquire when my interview will be scheduled. My TD is 06/04/01. Case was received on 6/21. Not yet scheduled to be interviewed.

However, I learned from an INS rep that INS has not received my finger print result which I did on May 3. I also checked with FBI and was informed that FBI doesnot have my FP.

Gurus, Does INS has to have my FP on file before they will adjudicate my I485 at the time of the interview? If I go to the INS ASC for a finger print redo, will the fp result send to VSC or Baltimore INS? Will Baltimore INS still get it if it is sent to VSC? Anyone who run into the same problem, please shed some light.

Thanks much!
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Hi Newtothis,
   Where did u get the information that the officer number changes on a daily basis randomly? Also does anyone have their spouse interview seperately than the applicant?

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I also went to Baltimore INS on Wednesday to check the status of my
case. My info: PD current, RD 01/22/01, TD 06/04/01.
The interview date is not assigned yet. The case was received
by Baltimor INS on 06/21/01
And I was told my case is located in Box #151.
My friend whose TD is 05/17/01 was assigned the interview date
on the second half of October. I didn\'t ask for FP status, and officer
didn\'t mention any problems with FP. She suggested me just to wait another month, so probably I will get the invitation by the end of September.
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I have not seen a single interview scheduled for September.... I wonder why?

Seems that all April transferees from the bord got their interview notices. Best of luck to you all!
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Please include me too.

ND 11/00
TD 05/17/01
Waiting for interview.

Can someone please let me know the best time to visit BINS , and how
long is the wait time for the information counter to find out about
the status

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Thanks for your post. I think the best time to visit them (BINS) is at around 1PM. Just walk in with your transfer notice and I-485 receipt. They will give you a call number and subsequently the IIO will call you look up your EAC# and tell you if you are scheduled for interview or not. They should give your received date and the box number it is in (GOK what it is supposed to mean!!). If not scheduled for interview they will either say it takes 60-120 days or 90 days from the day the application was received. As you can see there is no consistency in how they schedule interviews as the 4/01 transferees have been scheduled over 4 months (7/01 to 10/01)
8/14/01 update

Happy independence day to all Pakistanis!!. Hope we also get ours soon!! As OS pointed out it is really driving me crazy as to why there is no ID in September. I will be curious to know if anybody got a September ID date.

Name: PD, ND, TD, ID, officer assigned, result

GMC01: 11/98, 10/00, 4/27/01, 7/12/01, Off. C –APPROVED!! Link:
emi: 10/98, 10/00, 4/27/01,7/17/01, Off. D – Approved but on hold 90 days
                                      (CP paperwork). Link:
Near toGC "Baltimore interview-disappointment" 7/18/01 9:17am
tusharshah: --/--, 9/00, 4/26/01, 7/26/01,Off. E – APPROVED!! Link:
vmb485: 8/98, 10/00, 4/27/01, 8/8/01, Off. E – APPROVED!! (Case received 5/5/01)Link:
jackman "Any CP Newark POE received Plastic Cards recently??" 7/25/01 10:39pm
HS: --/--, 10/00, 4/27/01, 7/27/01, Off. ?A – APPROVED!! Link:
Anastomosis "Balto Xfer 7/30/01 update" 7/30/01 4:59pm
karri: 7/99, 9/00, 4/27/01, 8/21/01, Off B (Case was received 5/16/01)
newtothis: --/--, 10/00, 4/25/01, --
Macika: 9/99, 10/00, 4/25/01, 10/11/01 Off A (Inv. Letter generated 8/7/01)
md21108: --/--, 9/00, 4/27/01, 8/15/01 (Off E)
Himalko: --/--, 10/00, 4/27/01,8/29/01 (Off?)

Sprasad: 2/00, 12/00, 5/17/01, --
SureshG: 8/99, 11/00, 5/17/01, -- (Case received 6/19/01)
OS: 9/00, 11/00, 5/17/01, -- (Case received 5/25/01)
Hysteria: 01/00, 12/00,5/17/01,10/16/01(Off G)
anastomosis: 12/99, 11/00, 5/17/01, -- (case received 5/25/01)
Del boy: --/--, 11/00, 5/17/01, --
Lakmur: --/--, 11/00, 5/17/01, --/--
objectguy: 02/99, 11/00, 5/18/01, 10/23/01 (Off E) (case received 6/23/01)
greenhopeful: --/--, 11/00, 5/18/01, 10/11/01(Off F) (case was received 7/18/01)
Ajam: --/--, 12/00, 5/18/01, --
nesd: --/--, 11/00,5/18/01,10/23 (Off E) (case received 5/24/01)
mervin: --/--, 11/00, 5/18/01,--
lwei-chen: 10/99, 11/00, 5/18/01, 8/29/01 Off.? (case received ?)
Mkbrr/mkb26: 2/98, 12/00, 5/18/01, 10/16/01 Off B
Lakmur: --/--, 11/00, 5/17/01, --/--

nickI485: 10/99, 01/01, 6/04/01, 8/29/01 Off. ? (case received 6/23/01)
Hope2GetItASAP: 12/00, 1/01, 6/4/01, --
metairie: --/--, 1/01,6/4/01, --
kevankatr: --/--, 1/01,6/4/01, --
KV29: 9/99, 1/01,6/4/01, --
Cicada: --/--, 1/01, 6/4/01, -- (case received 6/21/01)
baltimorecase: --/--, 1/01, 6/4/01
immimatter: --/--, 1/01, 6/4/01 (case received on 6/21/01)
nuikak: --/--, 1/01, 6/4/01 (case received 6/21/01—box# 151))

Also in addition here are……
Listuser’s experience: -
UP’s experience: -
UP "Passport Stamped at Baltimore" 7/2/01 5:29pm
Mr. Patel’s experience: -
sbk "Baltimore Interview Approved" 7/27/01 11:57am
Nandit Barua’s experience: -
ppc "INTENT TO DENY – GURUS PLEASE HELP!!" 7/18/01 10:58pm
gotgc1’s experience:
KVoora "Baltimore Interview Experience." 7/16/01 11:00am
Bajrang’s experience:
Immi Officer

I spoke to my lawyers and they both stated that the Officer letter corresponds to a person only for that day. Maybe due to security reasons, I don\'t know. It does make sense, though.
I do have another question. Does anyone know if you have to be a resident or citizen to get Incorporated? Can anyone do it?
Interview date..

Yeah....I have not seen a single interview date for September. Isn\'t that wierd? I wish that they would inform everyone what their process is. Maybe they skip a month every few months to catch up with all the rest of the cases. Would be nice to know..
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I believe it is just the END of fiscal year audits and wrap-ups...

"Newtothis" any one can Incorporate.. but if you plan to register as a S-corporation then you(every partner) got to have a GC or be a citizen.
Visit to Baltimore INS on 8/14, Transfer Date : 05/17/01

As per your recommendation, I went to BINS y\'day at 1.00 pm. I was assigned a ticket number and waited maybe 10 mins to go up to an officer. I presented the lady my transfer notice and asked her for the status. She was very polite and said my case was received on 05/25 and they usually send out interview notices within 90 days but it can vary anywhere from 30-90 days, depending on the officer who is assigned a certain number of boxes to go through and schedule interviews. So, I guess the interviews are more officer dependent than PDs, NDs or TDs. The lady asked me to check back if I do not receive a letter by the end of Aug. She also said that they are still scheduling interviews for the Sep/Oct period.
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Seems that no one whos case was reseived by BINS on 05/25 got interview notice yet. Must be in the same box assigned to the same officer. I wonder what this officer is doing...
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May be we should suggest to the \'5/25 officer\' to just go ahead and approve the apps as BINS is overwhelmed scheduling interviews.
Sorry couldn\'t resist it!!

Yesterday I got my passport stamped with minimum qustions during the interview. Just asked EAD, SSN, birth certificates of US born kids and nature of job. The officer is really really polite.....
I feel denitely free from the entire process. Of course my country also got freedom on August 15th.

This site was extreemly helpfull...Thank U soooooooooo for all of U who has been updating the information.