Baltimore stamping....

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It will be very easy. Take whatever you are told in the approval notice with you and arrive within the time. It took about 5 min for me. But you may need to wait 10 min before your number is called.

Good luck!
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wxlmm !
Do you know if curtesy copy is accepted or it has to be original lawyer\'s copy only? Please respond.

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I think curtesy copy is fine though I brought both with me. The officer only looked for EAC# and typed it on computer database. She only made a mark on my curtesy copy and returned it to me when it\'s done.
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Thanks for the info. In my courtsey copy they have mentioned time between 8 am and 10 am mon- fri -- was that true for you too? Think it would help if we get there early? Was there a crowd?

appreciate your info