Baltimore Interview

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Dude - I think the only person who got an interview call was WaitingIsFun.
My file was transferred to Balt on Feb 13th - FP on 03/01 - still waiting for
the interview call. I have another friend exactly in the same shoes. So that
makes us 3.
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Looks like not many cases got transferred to Baltimore.
Now I think that the cases in Vermont have a higher prob
of getting approved in near future.
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The case of VSC699 is special. His file was transferred to Baltimore INS in June, 2000. He was interviewed on December 20, 2000, but not approved. He was told that the INS needed to review his I140 documentation. I just would like to find out whether he heard from INS on his case or not.

Thanks for your response.

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Just came to know that our Interviews are scheduled at Baltimore for April 18th 9:45 am.
Another friend of mine is scheduled for April 11th. Both our cases were transferred on
Feb 13th. FP on 03/01. We shd be seeing a lot more interview notices from Baltimore
in next few days. Hang in there!
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Is every case transferred to a local INS before being interviewed? If so, does that mean getting your case transferred indicates the end of the process?

Thank you
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Hi Dig Dug,
  Good for you. Can you pl post your case details (PD/RD/ND/Cat)?

  My case was also transferred to baltimore on Feb 13, FP on 03/10.
  (Case details - RD 11/01/99, ND 11/05/99, PD July 98, EB2-India)
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I think cases being transferred to local INS(at least Baltimore) are almost approved or something close to that. I noticed when I went in for interview, they had a number written above my A# on my 485 application. Also, he almost didn\'t care to look at any docs I gave him except that he was interested to put them in the file. The only ones he looked are my drivering license, EAD, and Passport.

I think it is very similar to all those who go to get GC stamped at local offices after teh approval. In our case, the approval is done while stamping. But still, you all should try to take every possible doc with you in case they ask for them.
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Hi DigDug:

How did you know about your interview? Did Baltimore INS send you something or to your attorney. I would appreciate if you please post details about what docs they asked you to bring also. Mine was transferred on 13th also but yet to get anything.

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My case was transferred to Baltomore on Feb 13 also. I have not receiced any correspondence from them yet. How did you find out about your interview date? Please reply.

Thanks a lot and of course good luck.
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Uncle Sham,

There is no development on my case yet. I went to Baltimore two months back to check the status. But they haven\'t received the papers yet. In the beginning the officer said it will take one month, but now it is over three months.

Let\'s see what happens. There is nothing much I can do about it but sit & wait.

Any body else in same boat.

Any inputs welcome.

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Yup, I received a notice in mail about the interview. I also called the 1-800375-5283 tel # to check.
You might want to just go visit the Baltimore once. Good luck!
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Question for all:

Does the Baltimore INS interview couple separately? A couple is scheduled to interview with the same officer (officer B ) half
an hour apart. Why. The wife file 485 with the husband, who is EB2. As the wife case depends on the husband, shouldn\'t they
interview together?

Their files were transfered from VSC to baltimore on 03/08/01.
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Dig Dug:

Are you scheduled to be interviewd together with your wife or you are scheduled separately? Maybe half an hour apart?
