Baggage allowance for Frankfurt?????


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Hello all,

Has anyone traveled thru Frankfurt/Germany? Please let me know. Do they weigh carry-on luggage (ie. Little suitcase that you get in with on the plane).

Please help, I'll be travelling next week.

Thanks a lot for your help,

Lufthansa doesn't care if you have a carry on & a laptop bag, while boarding
the flight from the US to Frankfurt.

The other way (from FF to the US), is when you could get screwed. Even if your carry on luggage is slightly bigger than the regulation size, they would want you to check in the bag, for sure. If you take only one bag with you, may be you could become lucky.

I faced this all four times of my visits plus my dad's visit.

Good luck in your visit & share your exp when you come back.
ps: Make sure to check the latest regulations on the weghts & sizes of luggages. FYI, 72lbs for check-in bags is NO longer valid, in case you're not aware.