Bad news for Feb\'01 case - Called IIO


New Member
Just I called IIO at VSC... bad time

As per IIO, VSC will not start Feb\'01 until other service centers catch up with them.

All the centers has to finish all backlogs (before Feb\'01), which may take at least 8 months to complete. VSC has to wait other service centers to catch up with them.

Mine is Feb’01. I am toasted in this bad economy.
Question For You.........

When you said Feb \'01, are you talking about RD or ND?
My RD is Jan. 23, 2001 and ND is Feb. 05, 2001.

Thanks in advance.
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Never heard anything like this. I spoke to IIO on Friday, she said the Feb cases will start, as soon as they finish the backlog of old cases. And there are not many.
Coming to the suggestion, they have to catch up with others, I don\'t think that is realistic. As California is quite ahead of VSC, and others may be behind and some may be ahead. I don\'t think VSC, or any other Service center has worked like this before. I believe, the IIO was in a bad mood and gave you that answer. I don\'t think that is true, the rule is the cases has to be adjucated within 6 months. But still they are not close to what is recommended.
Agree with you SamUsam

May be the IIO was having fun and trying to avoid calls for the future cases when they are processing Jan cases.
I spoke to IIO on Friday

she told me that they are going to process Mar01 cases in next 30 to 60 days. So don\'t be panic.
Please some one call VSC IIO and update us

I call today and got the news. I think they us ND. But I am not sure.

I wish it should be incorrect or IIO was just giving me bad time
Little backlog???

Check the Immitrack - Nov-Dec-Jan cases are about 60-70% untouched and that\'s only for those who bothered to register. How can they say there\'s no backlog??
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Is the news of VSC stopping any further processing of 485 true? Never heard anything to that effect till last Friday.

Can someone please confirm this? this is very serious for all of us
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If this is true, we will see that in most of the web site during this week, otherwise it will be a bull shit or IIO personal domestic problem.
Please remember:

Hi all,

Next time let\'s remember to ask the IIO about CSC 485 processing time. CSC always far ahead of other centers in most cases, this happened last time when I-140 paused in VSC, while CSC I-140 was much ahead of the VSC I-140 processing time which never heard about paused to wait other centers to catch up.Why VSC has to be the "nice" center? Is it fair to people file their cases in VSC?
Are you saying..

Are you saying that I-140 processing was paused by VSC to let other centers catch up at an earlier date? Or for any other reason. I think it was for someother reason. Please let us know.
Avoid calling IIO

Guys stop calling IIO during coffee break you take to check your case
There are so many waiting like you. Let VSC do their job. Your one phone call will not expedite your case or any other case
Just be patient
Last year.

Last year started from Nov/200 to April/2001, VSC pasued I-140 process to wait for other centers to catch up its I-140 processing time. I was one among those cases. Please check graphs in you will get the idea why so few people got their 140 and so few 485 file in that period of time. It was starting moving at a reasonable speed after April.

In case of 485 I checked TSC and CSC are both ahead in the game they are processing Jan 01 and Apr 01 respectively ...
Doesnt look like they have any catching up to do
Actually, it was from 09/05/00 to 04/30/01, I-140 frozen in VSC

I filed I-140 on 09/18/00, but my case was approved in June01 due to the so called backlog in VSC.
just talked to IIO, she didn\'t mention anything about 485 processing hold

I just called in to change my address. The IIO was nice. After changing my address, she asked if anything else she can help today, so I asked her when my case may be processed. My RD is 2/28/01, ND is 3/8/01, she said I should be hearing something in 3-4 months.
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How can they put on hold? If it is true that all the service centers should go paralally, how can CSC be much ahead of others. There are cases when some people at CSC got 485 approved in 6 months.
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Anything new on this "sensational" news?

Please update on what you heard about the processing times etc. Thank you