Background checks during I-485 approval?


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My lawyer says that \'only thing that is holding up the adjudication of your
application is the completion of the "background checks" from your
country---not the FBI checks.\'.

Does anybody know or heard of these background checks being done?
Specifically want feed back from Eb2-RIR-INDIA litigation cases?
Any body in similar situation? How long do these checks take?

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I am waiting for my I-485 for last 7 months.
Done FP on 1/29/01.

What do you think i should do? Please help.
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I agree. Your lawyer sounds like a moron. Are you even sure he sent in the application? Call IIO yourself to check on the status. Is your PD current?
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I guess some jobs enforce an overseas investigation.
I\'m not sure what kind of work you have to do,
but I\'m pretty sure it\'s true.
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Lawyer says donot call IIO!

Calling IIO was also not a good experience either. They did not give me any info.
May be i should call again.
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my job description does not say anything fancy!
regular software.

Even if they do investigation.. Do you know what kind of timeline are we talking about?
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I\'m from the UK, my wife is from China so I would think that one of us would qualify for a "background check" if there was such a thing. My wife\'s fp cleared no problem as did mine. Sounds like your lawyer is blowing smoke. 4 months sounds like a long time to be waiting since FP. See my other posts on our I485 delay saga. I would definitely recommend calling an IIO again and if you don\'t get a useful answer wait a week, try again... and again, and again until you get someone who will listen. From what the last IIO (who helped clear up our delay) told me FP\'s expire after 3 months so the longer you wait the more likely you will have to do your FP\'s again once your case is adjudicated.
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i don\'t believe they would do oversea backgroud check, which is nearly impossible for countries such as China. but i guess they do conduct background check within states for some cases based on my conversation with IIO. but that could be done in 1 week. my new employer did it, the check is done in 3 days and i received a copy of the result, which is very accurate!
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Could you post the types of checks done? (Previous employment, income, credit, residence, etc...)

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the local criminal & misdemeanor check from all the counties u lived in last 5 years. employment history. DMV records. and a social security number search, which i guess is to find out all your previouse addresses then criminal & misdemeanor check could be conducted. basically, if you have any incorrect information on your application, such as missing addresses, they will be able to find out easily. my employer\'s check was conducted by a agency called Inforon (or something like that). the check reasult is a 15 pages report for my 8 years in the States.
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If i did not give one address where i stayed for 3 months, Are they going to issue some kind of RFE? I do not even remember the address where i stayed for the first 6 months when i came 5 years back? Do our address, dates of stay needs to be that accurate? I did not take extra precaution about exact dates while filing for I-485. Does this matter?
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 i don\'t think it matters. as long as you have that address or they find out it through SS# check. what matters is that the criminal and misdemeanor check with the address. just my opinion.
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Dear Srini199:
Did you get a I-485 receipt? This is the first thing that you should have in hand before you take any kind of action. If the answer is yes, you may call IIO to check your status.

It sound to me a weird case. I am worried that your lawyer may have "held" your case without advancing it to the INS.

Hang in there!

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oversee background check is impossible to implement. They do not
have such manpower/resources to do so. Also, residence less than
three months usually do not have to be included. My employer also
did a similar background check to what Kevin described. I know
they sent the form I filled out and finger prints to FBI. I did
not get to see the results though. I wonder what kind of results
Kevin got.

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Ciba, if the employer conducts such check, you have the right to request exactly the same copy to be sent to you according to the law. so when u fill the form, there is a check box which allow you to choose if you want a copy to be sent to you. u can also dispute whatever u think is untrue on your record. i have described the contents of the check. u can look at my old posts. u can certainly request a copy either from your employer or the agency who condcuts the background check for free.
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Ofcourse I got I-485 receipt back in 8/00. AP & EAD approved in 11/00
FP done on 1/29/00!

Lawyer did forward my case. don\'t woory about.
Even though i don\'t like my lawyer, they are not that bad!
it is the INS and their policy i am worried about.
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FP is valid for 15months so dont worry.
Files slip through the cracks and it is our responsiblity to get the II0\'s to open our cases.
I have seen a few cases which were old which got processed because the IIo was good enough to pull out a print out and give to the concerned party. If your ND is before 9/00, then u have a point to go further.
Overseas check is prob. required if the FBI came up with some kind of blackmark against you.
Talk to the IIO - i feel once in 30 days is quite normal to call them.
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kevin, so you mean you were in a situation which you knew they will do background check, ie, they have to ask
you to fill out the " permission from you " form before doing background check?
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yeah, for employment purpose, yes, they need your authorization to do so. it is illegal for the agencies to release your background info to them without your authorization (your signature on the form). but when INS does it, it could be different. i guess the I-485 form comtains such authorizations?