Background and Name Check

boyin huang

New Member
Hi, Guys:

I have good and bad new, and hope to see your comments.

On April 9, my family (I am a principle applicant) were interviewed in Baltimore Office for our I-485 application.

I was approved without any question.

My wife and daughter (12 years old) were told that they need to wait since their background and name check had not completed.

Later the officer told us it may take 2-3 month to complete the check, or they should receive further notice such as approval or do the finger print again. They were also told to write or come the office if no further notice or approval after 6 month.

But, these happened after the officer noticed my wife did not have a Maryland Driver's license. , since she is working in Wisconsin. So I am wondering whether the background check is related to this.

Is there anything we can to accelerate the case?

Is there a FBI number (or other number) to call whether they already finished the check?

What I worried is they may forget the case!

Thank you very much

Hi, Boyin;

Don't worry.

I had very similar situation as your, that is, my child is still pending due to FBI name check. I am confident that it is a matter of time.

One of my friend got his approval notice just one day after the interview. The problem is to go INS Baltimore one more time (waiting in line and pay parking).

I live in Beltsville, and we can communicate the update information if you want.
boyin, glad to read your post because i'm in the very same situation, or should i say, worse.

my long story, where should i start?

i had my interview on 10/31/2002 at baltimore, my case was not approved because the damn doctor forgot to sign on one of my medical forms. it seemed to me as a trival matter since i submitted the form the next day, and from others guys' experience, it would only take 1-2 weeks to finish the job. WELL, i was wrong and pains came afterwards.

in mid nov 2002, ins implemented this new fbi name check thing(with system updgrade, etc.) and i got a mail from ins saying the case could take 5 months to complete. i understood and loosed my expections to 2-3 months due to the holiday season.

in feb 2003, i started to doubt something is wrong ... i called vermont center 3 times (nice officers, though) but nobody can tell me what's going on. i figured since local office is actually handling my case so i went to visit baltimore again.

after waiting in line for 2 hours, the officer told me my case was still pending for the name check. how soon? she didn't know.

after i got home, i called fbi center and the officer gave me a number to call. well, it turned to be the finger print check which was done long time ago. the fbi officer there in west virginia had NO idea where the last name check step was processed in fbi.

then i called vermont again to ask fot the fbi name check #, nobody knew (or they are not allowed to tell or there is no phone call check servives)

patience is a virtue, i told myself and waited for another month before i lost my p again. on 3/8/2003 i went to baltimore office and waited another 2 hours in line. the answer i got this time was detailed and different --- my case was sent to fbi on 3/4/2003. my god, from 11/02 - 03/03, 4 months, nothing was moving AT ALL.

on 4/7/2003 (due day as ins specified in the "5 month maximum wait" letter), i contacted my lawyer and asked him to send in a formal status check to baltimore office. the response was quick (yes, of course, one mouse click is enough) and the same old answer.

today is 4/22/2003, THE END has NOT come.

waiting for 6 months is not causing me the most pain, compared to knowing something wrong and you can't do anything. now you can tell how much i hate the D**N doctor.

guys, if you're not approved right away at the interview, you're in a good chance to get screwed up, at least for baltimorers.

i wish you better luck than i have.