I have applyed for a B-2 Visa at the Consulate in Frankfurt/Germany. It was refused unser 214 B. But the Consul said you can travel to the US under the Visa Waiver program. My problem is that I have a 4 year ald Child, and I don`t want to be send back to Germany after 16 hours flight. Has someone experience in this field.
I have read that once a visa was refused, it`s not posible to travel to US without Visa.
What is very curios, that the Consul didn`t stamp our passports with Application Recived, we have no stamp.
I have applyed for a B-2 Visa at the Consulate in Frankfurt/Germany. It was refused unser 214 B. But the Consul said you can travel to the US under the Visa Waiver program. My problem is that I have a 4 year ald Child, and I don`t want to be send back to Germany after 16 hours flight. Has someone experience in this field.
I have read that once a visa was refused, it`s not posible to travel to US without Visa.
What is very curios, that the Consul didn`t stamp our passports with Application Recived, we have no stamp.