B2 Extension questions - kindly help


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Hello All
I am planning to apply for extension for my parents. Their I94 expires Nov 3.
They were here before in Apr 2002 and left on time in 6 months. My father is 73 yrs old and my mom is 67 yrs old.

I have read about the forms to be included for application and the information on this forum and immihelp.com, but I am very confused about the letter of reason and return ticket.

Anyone having any experience with this, please help me.

1) Could anyone who have applied before or know the details please share with me the letter you used for stating the reason for extension?

2) They currently have their tickets booked for Nov. 3. Do I have to rebook the tickets before applying for extension, if so, what date should I do the booking for - is it the date after 6 months ?

3) Those who have applied for extension, do the original I94 cards have to be sent along with the application?

4) Their port of entry was Washington DC but they are now visiting my sister in St.Louis, Missouri. Which service center should the application be sent to?

Kindly do reply.

Appreciate your valuable inputs very much.

Thanks in advance