B1 Visa Question


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If I get a B1 visa to go to the US for 6 months and I have to go back to the UK to attend to matters there, can I re-enter the states on the same visa and if I\'m in the states for 2 months, go back to the UK for 1 month, does that mean I have 3 months left on that visa or does the visa get cancelled and I have to re-apply for the B1 again?
Anymore answers would be much appreciated.
You need to get a multiple entry visa

If you get a multiple entry visa, you can come and go as you please. They will give you an I-94 record when you go to the US and take it away when you leave. Or they might very well give you an I-94 when you go in and mark the duration of the I-94 departure record to be six months later. In this case when you leave the US, before the 6 months is up, and intend to return on the same visa, make sure they don\'t take your I-94 when you check in at the airport. If they do take it away from from you, make sure to make a copy of it and you should be fine.

Have a good trip,

Note: this is not legal advice, use at your own risk.
Multiple Entry Visa

Many thanks for replying to me Monster28
Would this be deemed OK for Business trips and if I stay in the USA could an Immigration Attorney file for us an L1/L2 for us, as we (3 members of the family) hope to run the same business in the states as we have done for over 15 years in the UK whilst my Brother will run the UK Business and We\'ve just purchased a restaurant with 15-20 employees in the states but it needs time to recover into a great place, plus the time needed to set up an office, equipment, clients ect. for our new business.
P.S. We opened up an LLC so what route do we go as the more I look into it and the more Immigration Attorney\'s I see, the more confused I get about the whole issue and we desperately need to be in the USA to get a grip on things, but we need to go through the right channels as so not to upset the INS ans all concerned. We hope to stat in the USA but I\'m wondering with all that I\'ve presented you with, I would like you to let me know which avenues to cross as we get to them as the VISA issue is a very complicated path to follow, esp. after 9/11.

Many thanks
Some thoughts

Hi again,

About the L1 visa...my quess would be "yes". I am going for the L1 visa as well, and from all my readings of the law, you need to be an established company, meaning serious revenues, length of operation in the US, number of employees and so on. Let me give you a link and you can read the official text of the immigration law as it pertains to L1 visas.


This is a pretty long document, but does go into great detail on all the requirements, including the ones imposed on the petitioning company.

Best of luck with your visa and new business venture in the US.


Note: not to be used as legal advice.
more information

The paragragh below goes into some detail the story behind this and to give out more detail, I\'ll just say that we\'ve run a successful Cleaning Company in London for over 15 years and in the industry for well over 25 and we (me=29, father=62, mother late 50\'s) would like to open up the same kind of business in the states. We bought a restaurant that was already in business (just not well managed)to make some money and we\'ve had a home for nearly 10 years (back & forth lots ot times)But we\'re going to need to set up an office, buy equipment and transfer some equipment from the UK to the USA so that the US company can file for an L1 visa for the 3 of us to work there.

Can anyone tell me the A-Z process of getting the B1 visa to get to the US and look for Property, Personnel and links for our New Company we wish to open in the states, We currently have a Company in the UK and wish to open up in the USA and 3 out of the four family members work there permanently whilst the 4th member stays in the uk to run the UK business.
Would our next step be the L1/L2 visa\'s then hopefully the Green cards we wish to have.

2 parents & 1 Son (31)
We recently Purchased a Restaurant with 15-20 US citizens (depending on time of year)for around 350,000 USD plus outside costs for renovation and maintenance.
We set up an LLC with the 3 members mentioned above.
What visa\'s do we need to enable us more time to build up the business, find vendors and what steps do we take from there to gain permanant residency.
We have a UK business that started from scratch back in 1986, which my brother will be currently running.
Can this help us to open up another business in the US to enable all 3 to live permanently in the US?

If you need more information let me know!
Hope you like reading!
B1 Visa paperwork

What Paperwork do I need to enable us to get B1 visa\'s for the 3 of us to get to the states on business for longer than 4 months, so we are not turned down by the consular officers at the US Emassy in London.
More details are found in my previous posts.
But I just need to get the B1 visa\'s as soon as possible.