B1-B2 Tamil Appointment


Registered Users (C)
I have been trying to get the visa appointment with Chennai consulate on Tamil for my parents for the past 2 weeks. But I could not get the available date to make an appointment. I am thinking of book it as English as language option and get the Tamil interpreter inside the consulate on the interview date. Does anybody have any kind of advice/experience on this? or Do you see any problem here?
The next appointment date is by late nov . Were yo able to get an appointment for July - Aug ?
B1/2 Visit visa Tamil interview dates


Iam trying to get Tamil interview dates since March 2006 and not successful so far. Any clues why or when the dates are likely to open ? The English dates are showing as in Dec but iam really looking for Tamil interview dates.

Go to VFS Office

i_anitha said:

Iam trying to get Tamil interview dates since March 2006 and not successful so far. Any clues why or when the dates are likely to open ? The English dates are showing as in Dec but iam really looking for Tamil interview dates.


Ask your parents to go to
Gowthami Towers,
2 A, First Street,
Cenatoph Road,
Chennai - 600 018.
with HDFC receipt and passport. They will help getting a Tamil interview at the latest.
