B-2 visa


New Member
My parents’ application for B-2 visa got refused after short interview yesterday. This is their first time. One of them is over 60, and the other is approaching 60. They were asked if we have any baby, and got refused after a “NO”. We do have a 6-month baby. Does anybody have any experience with B-2 application with that kind of situation? :confused:
1. Beijing

2. The notarized I-134 was about 7-month old, and was sent to my parents before baby was born. The baby was not on the list of dependents. I did not bother to correct it. Do not know if it has any adverse effect.
Demand Your Familial Visitation Rights


Please share this site with friends and family who are interested in securing equitable Familial Rights for American families. Please share information on this site with your elected officials to help effect change in the current Non-immigrant Visa policies towards family members of American Citizens.


Your feedback is improtant.


I do agree with your comments but feel that close family members of LPR should be included. The service centres make so many mistakes, delays happen and about time they got their act together

The CSPA (Child status protection act) is badly written and needs a leglative fix and NOT all children have protection

Family reunfication should be paramount, a special department should be set up and cases should be looked at and approved on humanitairan grounds in an expedited way

Regards Sue
