AVM says RFE needed

Mavis Amarap

Registered Users (C)
The AVM says that "On May 3 2001, we requested additional information about this case...". This is almost certainly related to my birth certificate because mine was a random slip from the hospital which did not even have my name.
My question is, under these circumstances, does NSC just require affidavits from parents (got them!) or school documents (hope not!) etc. Well, I suppose I could wait till I get the notice (how long usually?) but if anyone feels like venturing guesses that\'s great...

PD 7/99 RD 3/00 ND 5/00 LIN 162
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According to INS, you should have the birth certificate. But if you do not have one, then the other option is that you should get 2 affidavits from your parents or close relatives confirming your birth details and with this you also need to get a Non-availability certificate from the muncipal authority.

I too am in the same situation, but my ND is 01/06/2001, so not yet got anything. I had called the 800 number of INS (not NSC) few month back and spoke to a person there, she told me that if you do not have the birth certificate then you can use any school leaving certificate which gives your name and birth date in place of it. But i am not sure whether this is true.

Let us know once you get your RFE and what was the outcome. That would be very helpful as many people are in this situation.

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Hi Sharad,
Since my Birth certificate is from local munipality too, I may get the same RFE. Can you please clarify what you mean by affidavits from Parents and Close relatives, are they letters signed by them saying that they certify that my birth date is so and so>?? should the close relatives be your aunts and Uncles? or your grand parents? should they be sent to INS directly from India?? I am sorry for all these questions just jumping ahead.

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The affidavit should be as follows from any of your relatives who were there at the time of your birth or atleast can say so. Also this needs to be on a stamped paper from India. They can send it to you and you should send it to INS.

I, (name of relative), solemnly state and affirm as hereunder:
(1) I presently reside at ___________________________________.
(2) I am a citizen of _______________________________.
(3) I was born on ___________________ at________________.
(4) I am the (state relationship to the person whose birth is being verified)
(5) I personally know that (name of person) was born on ____________ at _________.
(6) A request has been made with the proper authorities for (name of person)\'s birth certificate but the same is unavailable.

I hereby affirm under the penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the United States of America (28 U.S.C. Section 1746) that the foregoing is true and correct.

This affidavit was executed on (date) at (Place).
____________________ Signed Date:________________
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Great description of the certificate but as far as people who should provide it, I suggest both parents if alive.
If you are submitting these, you also need to submit a certificate from the municipal corporation stating that they looked through their records for your birth date but no record was found. Your name and birth date should be clearly stated on this letter.
Secondly, if you have a certificate from a municipal corporation, it is enough as long as it clearly states your name, your parents\' name and the date and time of birth. I think the first poster stated his name was not on the certificate.
So Sree, if your certificate has all of this info, you should be fine.
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SSajan, "You said it is enough as long as it clearly states your name, your parents\' name and the date and time of birth. "
What about the date of issue of certificate ? Do you know of anybody
got approved recently with recent issue date? Thanks
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Thanks a lot guys. That helps a lot. I am concerned about the issue date than anything. I hope that the stamped paper from India means the Bond (worth some rupees!). Again thanks for the replies.
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      I got RFE issued on 5/5. My attorney haven\'t got it yet. Is there anyone who is in the same boat. I see long_waiter getting it yesterday. Please post if any one is in the same situation.

  If any one knows the time line please post.
