AVM says "Green card processing has been completed"


checked the AVM yesterday. It says " your green card processing has been
completed". INS will mail you the packet shortly ?????

what does this mean ??? has anyone heard such a message before ?

Note : It doesnt say "approved"

my RD is 9-28-01
They generally dont refer to I-485 as green card. Call IIO.

You should definately call IIO and find out more details.

Is this case for yourself/spose or your children? I have heard about messages saying "welcome notice has been sent" messages for children.

On the other side, its seems a good sign because this would mean that EAC-02- are in the working area.
I guess this is one more instance of GC waiters having delusions.

Few people have reported that they got approved with August RDs(though most of the times they say their friends\' got approved) with very illogical data. And some believe they heard some messages framed with never used by INS words. I guess these people are either dreaming or having delusions. Could be schizophrenia.
this is strange

I am quite surprised by this message ..
The person who posted this thread should check again ...

And yes the term "Green Card" is hardly used by INS. It should have said "I-485 processing."

The validity of this message is questionable !! But I assume that the Aug/Sept/Oct approvals may be seen shortly ..
Any thoughts folks?
One more new message I came across

There are 3 numbers before mine which are : RFE issued, process resumed on 17th jan, process resumed on 27th Feb respectively. There are 10 more after these three which are approved(don\'t know whether H1 or EAD or AP or what ever). Mine is after those 10 numbers, with Process resumed on Jan 18th.

Sometime in April, for the RFE case, AVM changed to "On March 29th, we recieved your response to RFE..". On May 6th, the message changed to " After approving this case on May 5th, we ordered the plastic Card which may take ...so many days"

This message seems to be a new message. Has anyone came across such message? The day before also it said "Recieved response to RFE...." But suddenly changed to " After approving this case......" on May 6th.

Interesting thing is May 5th is Sunday.

All these numbers, I am talking about are EAC-02-009 series. I am just following those 3 numbers along with mine just to see whether INS is following any EAC order.

Any thoughts?
No Title

Thats\' what is strange...
 I have never heard such a messge before. After my FP, the message
use to say : "we received your FP results and further processing
has resumed"

Now, suddenly when i checked yesterday, it said :
your "Green card" ..yes it referred to my application as "green card".

I will post the exact message after hearing it today evening once again.

And for thos who dont want to believe : I say : why do u read the messsages ? Seems like since u havent got your GC you have gone crazy and have stated labelling others as crazy.
gcFunwaiting - I had a similar message "After approving this case ...."

That was for EAD card. I guess that it takes a few days for INS to print the EAD card. So till then the AVM said "After approving the case card has been ordered (or something like that) ...". After some days AVM again changed to "This case has been approved and notice has been mailed" .. the notice is the EAD card.
That was a nice try................

You should understand this kind of jokes will work with novices not with 485 gurus like us. By the way "Green card" is unofficial word, official is alien-registration card. By the way check again, this time it might say your "Red card" is being issued not get outta here!!!!.
Now I am scared to visit this site...

What if GCFUNWAITING gets onto my machine and takes away whatever information I have on my m/c.

man you are funny ........
so what\'s your profession? ....have you thought of stand-up comedy or something ....i suggest you look into that !!

Layoffbaba is just smart enough to know that this is a troll. As if to prove his point, the person who posted the original message hasn\'t bothered to check back in.