AVM Message - Is this Normal


Registered Users (C)

My ND 03/09/2001 for Adjustment of Status..
I did my FP on 08/16/2001 and didn\'t hear anything from INS yet.
So, for the first time I called AVM but all it said was your application was recd. on such & such date and a notice of receipt was sent to you. It usually takes between 3+65 & 540 days for these kinda cases.
And nothing about the current status of my application.

My question is ..Is this normal or something weird is going on.
Please share information.

But No information about FP

To follow-up on my earier post...

As mentioned earlier, that was my first time calling AVM.
It didn\'t say anything about FP status...or at what stage my AOS is..or anything...as though that I applied only recently and waiting for my FP notice...

Really concerned.
Thanks for your replies


  AVM will not mention your FP status. It will remain like the standard message (I explained this on the other discussion). If you are curious about your FP result. You can call VSC - Just be patient when you are trying to get through. Your case should be close.....
