AVM message changes for finger print?


Registered Users (C)
Does AVM message change to "..received FP ...." after FP is done? It is just for those newer cases after Sept/Oct? How about older cases? We did FP on Aug 24 (ND: 04/01). The AVM message hasn\'t changed. Any thought?
My AVM is repeating the same 975 days mantra;Did FP on 11/06

But it is still early days for me and I may need to wait for a few days for the AVM to change.
I did FP before 10/01, but the

AVM always have the same content, 975 days etc...
but I talked with FBI, I was told the FP is returned to INS just the same day I did it, but she did not tell me the FP quality.
anyway, waiting and hoping.
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I believe Bgwhan is right.

If you received your FP notice AFTER 10/01, then most
of us have updated finger print messages.

If you got your FP notice BEFORE 10/01 it doesn\'t appear
to change. This makes sense as the 10/01 is the start of the
federal fiscal year, so it appears they implemented a change
to their system. Note, it is not WHEN you did your FP, but
WHEN you received teh FP notice.
AVM message

My AVM mesage is still old saying "FP sent to you..." even after doing FP on 10/20 but as per Bongo case.. avm says "FP received.." may be they change message after moving case from system 1 to system 2
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Self (primary):
FP issued by CSC: 10/03/01
FP received: 10/05/01
FP done: 10/09/01 (schd for 10/23/01)
AVM Message: same old "...975-999 days..."
FP issued by CSC: 10/12/01
FP received: 10/20/01
FP done: 10/23/01 (schd for 11/09/01)
AVM Message: same old "...975-999 days..."

Since the theory of "FP-message-change-after-10/01"
has been proven wrong by so many people, why do we
insist on sticking to the same theories??

I agree with you, Mitr

The "FP-message-change-after-10/01" theory is not reliable since it does not apply consistently.
Several folks have seen the message change but a lot of folks did not see any change.
This message change does not seem to be automated based on FP received from FBI.
There is no point in agonizing if your message did not change. If your message did change,
you are lucky in that you have a clearer picture of what\'s happening.