AVM doesn\'t change after FP


Registered Users (C)
I got my finger print done at Boston INS on 12/7/2001. FBI confirmed they had send the result back to INS on the same day. However, the AVM doesn\'t change to "pending approval" (it still says: your finger print is scheduled at 12/7 blah blah ...). I also talk with the iio, she said the computer system have pick up the result yet. Any idea about this? Thanks!
Dont worry.

I was in the same situation and now the message has changed to FP Received and processing has commenced.
I did my FP on the same day (12/7/01)

and the avm is still "your I-485 was received......".
No Title

I did my FP @ Boston on 12/6/2001, AVM still says "We sent you a notice asking for fingerprinting on ... blah... blah ...blah...".
I guess it is ok, we all know how reliable the AVM is ...

Had FP done on 12/08, AVM still said \'We send you FP notice... if you could not receive it within 14 days, blah, blah...

Beat INS!
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Self & Wife had our FP done in Alexandria, VA on 12/28. Message for my wife has been updated stating that the FP has been received by INS, but message for me is yet to be updated.
I got my FP on December 27, message was updated to” FP received and pending review» on January 2

I got my FP on December 27, message was updated to” FP received and pending review» on January 2