Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,(<LIN01-046),Non-RFE waiting cases


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We belong to an unlucky group. Perhaps our files are in nowhere in the service center, perhaps they are in a lazy and disorderly hand, or sitting in the wrong place, or behind that big trash can in the corner. Anyway, there are unreachable to the processing officers, and have a strong tendency to remain so for indefinite period.
Please contact IIO or your congressmen to voice our concern. Wake up our files and documents in oblivion, or lose them forever.

I spoke to someone at the local senator office here and learnt that they have dedicated resource for immigration related issues. I have the feeling that when we do so, we will mostly end up with a RFE. NSC can simply use the excuse to come up with thousand of reasons, like I140 not filed in the same service center, RFE for medical, employment, etc.

I am here not against people to contact senators. I was in the middle of decision wether want to write the letter to the seneator or simply wait for another few weeks.

If you looked at the history of approval, NSC did span the approving among several months period. A lucky one got approval few months ahead of the other. I believe NSC assigned cases(could be one in a month, I guess) to different officers and some officers were damp lazy and of course the supervisors or the management was as bad as Kmart\'s managment. I am worrried that NSC will eventually file the chapter 7 bankruptcy in the near furture and say bye-bye to our cases!
We shuold...//

We should write a letter to Senator/Congressman and Talk to IIO..//
I have already wrote the letter to SEn/Congress/Director of INS../
No Reply ..//
write to NSC

My lawyer wrote a letter to NSC early Dec 2001 and until now have not heard anything from INS. They could have tossed the letter
Re: write to NSC

IT_engineer has about the same ND. He got RFE and returned it. Still got approved before us. I am not afraid of RFE, just afraid of my materials being tossed away. It did happen to a friend of mine.
waiting for more than 500 days !!! no RFE either !!

Dear Friends, my details are as follows:
EB 2 India, Non RIR LIN # 00-264-5XXXX
PD 12/28/98
RD 08/30/00
ND 09/21/00
FP 03/15/01
Waiting for more than 500 days, so far (1)I have called IIO s 5 times since September 01, and I have got 5 different answers. 2)Apporached senator\'s office 3 times, Cold response from them. 3)I have sent a letter to the Director of INS, Nebraska in Sept 2001, requesting to speed up my file, no response from them, they must have SHREDDED MY LETTER, like ANDERSON DID TO ENRON !!(4) Last week I have asked my Attorney to check with INS, he said he will write to them. I am pretty sure they will use my attorney\'s letter like a TOILET TISSUE (PAPER). Friends pl advise me what should I do now!!?????

Any advise and suggestions are most welcome !!
Still waiting with rfe

Hi Ramukesi,
My case is about the same time frame as yours
RD 08/30
ND 09/20

I got an rfe on Nov 23th.
I sent the response back and they received the rfe response on 12/31
I am still waiting to hear from INS
My case is also in the same time frame ..

RD Aug 24, ND Sep 12 EB2 RIR ,I140 filed with CSC. Talked to IIO 4 times since aug end and four different answers. Not contacted senator yet. Lawyer sent a inquiry to INS but no response...
I hear u ramukesi..... same situation..... not yet assigned to office when i spoke to IIO in mid De

LIN# 00-262-xxxxx
RD:- Aug 30, 2000
ND:- Sep 20, 2000
FP:- Feb 27, 2001.

and the wait continues.....
Question for AUG/SEPT/OCT 2000 I 485 waiters!!!

It is really surprised to see people who have applied much after us are getting their approvals. Well, I have a question , did any of us have changed our status here in USA, like B1 to F1 to H1 B Status, is it could be one of the reasons our files are getting delayed in approvals.

For example: I came on B1/B2 got converted to H1B status, BUT I WAS NOT OUT OF STATUS EVEN FOR A SINGLE DAY. I AM ALWAYS IN STATUS.

Any suggestions are welcome !!
You all can see my details in the same thread, couple of messages above under RAMUKESI
Most chinese change their status

Generally, we came here with F1(or F2, if her/his spouse came here first). And got a Master or PhD degree, started work on PT and switched to H1. That\'s may be different from some Indians. But it doesn\'t matter, since no Chinese was rejected for changing status problem.

I apprecaite your response, I am from India, came on B1/B2 visa, changed to H1B, and never out of status, even for a day. The reason for asking this question because, changing status here, will delay in approving our I485 cases. A friend of mine who came on H1B directly from India, got his I 485 approved with in a year just 365 days. I am just trying to compare who have not got their approvals will or may fall in my CATEGORY.

If senators office not too helpful, contact local congressmans office. The all have assigned immigration liason officers who are supposed to help constituents with INS related matters. Call/fax/mail the person designated that is teh only way to get any info, calling INS/writing/or getting lawyer to write INS rarely worth effort.
Same Here

RD - July 2000
ND - Aug 2000
FP - Jan 2001
RFE - July 2001
RFE Received INS on - Aug 2001
No Response Yet...
Looks like some thing happened during July-Aug-Sept 2000 period.
485 Approved

Hi Guys,
 Yesterday, I checked my AVM, and myself & my wife\'s case has been approved as of 01/22/02.
LIN 00263
RD : 08/30/00
ND 09/20/00
RFE 11/23/01
AD 01/22/02
Thanks for all your support and encouragement.

Congratulations! Since you\'ve already got RFE, it was anticipated you would get it quickly.
It\'s also anticipated that any one with Mar,01 ND got an RFE today will get his case approved before us.