Attire for OATH and another question


Registered Users (C)
We are having the Oath ceremony next month in Boston.
Do we need to be formally dressed or Business causal is Ok.

Also what is the state of the dual citizenship for India, we are planning a trip back home next year , so are we all set with dual citizenship or do we need to get a visa or a PIO card.

thanks & have a very pleasant weekend
I personally know a MAN who went to his Oath Ceremony in boxer (inside cloth) and sleeveless funky T-shirts with goofy hairstyle in Reno, Nevada.
If I were you, I will wear what I wore to my naturalization interview: A Navy Suit with black shoes. That doesn't mean you have to spend $600 buying a suit, but a dress shirt and dress pants will do it. You must respect the Court where you will take your oath. I am eager to take my oath of alligence and become a proud U.S. Citizen, and so should you. Be professional and show USCIS that they did not make a mistake by granting you US citizenship.

Good luck to you.