Atlast FP Recv\'d !!!!(RD:04/04/01, ND:04/24/01)


Registered Users (C)
Thanks to all of you. I received my FP notice yesterday.
FP Scdule date is 12/21/01
Center : Sanjose.

As some of you may remember, I did not receive my FP notice & my lawyer was not ready to send fax. I took the advice of this board & sent the fax myself. Talking to IIO did not help. I am sure the fax worked.
In my letter apart from FP notification, I had a covering letter kind, which said in response to enquiry....
once again thanks to all of you. Now the wait is for approval. I hope it will not be as long a wait as FP notice.
congrats rekha

man, I hope I get mine soon. How long since you sent your enquiry? I sent before you did, but no response so far.
I recd mine a response to Attorney\'s FAX inquiry...

RD 2/22/01; ND 3/15/01; EB2-RIR; WAC 01-131; San Jose ASC for 12/27.

But question: Do we have to go only on that day? or can we go before that day too? Appreciate if some one can give this info. so that I can visit right next week itself and break the tension & suspense...
Faxed but no Fp notice yet.

My lawyer send first round:

ND March 27, 2001

1st Fax on Sep 20 (949.389.3484), 2nd Fax on Oct 11 (949.389.3189).

I didn\'t receive anything.

Second Round:

1st on Nov. 1 949.389.3484

2nd on Nov. 16 949.389.3198

3rd on Nov. 28 949.643.1538

How long it took from the day you send the fax to receive FP notices?

What form did you used?

Thanks in advance.