at last got PF notice, but


Registered Users (C)
After two faxes and one call to NSC got letter from INS last week, today got PF notification for me. No news about my wife. what i have to do now ? Can i take my wife along with me for PF with out notice?

Thank you

I believe they will send FP for ur family soon .. be patient.

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No, you can't take your wife without notification. The first thing they ask is FP notice. Hopefully your wife will also receive the notice in a day or two. In my case both the FP notices were issued on the same day but came separately (2 days difference).
Don't worry, you will get it soon.

ND Aug. 22, 2002
FP Aug. 10, 2004
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It has already been 5 days since I got my FP notice..

My wife has not got anything yet..


Gantik - I will say take ur wife along and try at ASC..It might work..I know this has worked for couple of cases..
Received FP notice yesterday(8/27/2004). No notice yet for spouse though...

RD - June 2002