Asylum questions


Registered Users (C)
hey guys...I\'m a politcal asylee, well I\'m practically a derivative asylee. I have many questions regarding this topic that\'s why I\'m creating this new forum. Maybe we can help each other by telling our experience, i can help too. My first question could be...let\'s suppose that i want to travel to my home country but first i go to a neibhor country so i can cross the border( this neibhor country don\'t ask for visa)...what is the chance that an Immigration officer here in USa can figure out that i went to my country for a little period if i don\'t have a stamp in my passport from my country, only from the neibhor country???.... i have many more questions i hope u can help me guys!.....

best regards
mmm i think i made a difficult question

it\'s me again...I\'m the new guy here i think....... I forgot to tell you guys, that yesterday i got scared about of what i read. i read in other forum that I-485 adjusments for asylees are taking like 3-4 years?? and that\'s if u are lucky?? ..ahhh!!!! i wasn\'t expecting that much..well anyways...i hope someone will want to share the way...sorry with my english..i know it SUCKS!!!.... hehe

Already been discussed

This subject has already been discussed under the thread titled "Can Asylees Travel on Their National Passport?"

No one here can guarantee you on what will (or rather will not) happen when you travel back to the country you are claiming persecution from. It is really a "Do it at your own risk" thing.

 If a desperate situation requires you to travel back to your own country I would suggest you consult a asylum lawyer. People here can tell you their opinions but none of them will come and bail you out when you are introuble.