Asylum interviews waiting time


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Hey folks

I think it would be useful if we can share our asylum interviews waiting time.
I am waiting since last 8months and I applied from Detroit MI and my asylum office is Chicago. I want to know if will it works if I move my case from MI to some other state where there is quick process like New Jersey or Maryland? any response in this matter is highly appreciated
i applied in mid oct l, 2013 and i am still waiting. i live in Minnesota and my asylum office is the Chicago one .

i don't think moving would help , all asylum offices have thousands of pending cases right now just stay where you are and wait

i have a couple of question to you

- did you get your work permit ? if yes and how long did it take ?
no m stil waiting for my work permit. I believe they take 5-6 months to process work permit too. because I am waiting since 3 months and I know smbdy who is waiting since 5months.
that's a long wait for a work permit, from reading other posts it should take 3 weeks to 3 months...

when do they start counting the 180 days? from the day the application was sent ? or the day the asylum office receive it > because in my case there is 16 days difference between the 2 events
they count 180 days after they receive it. and another question of mine is , does changing states stops the EAD clock or not?
i was looking into that because i might move , what i found out on the USCIS website is changing asylum office might stop the clock , so if the state you are moving to is under another asylum office that might stop the clock, just don't risk it if u have such a plan .
I have a question does anybody know what are the average waiting time for asylum interviews these days