asylum interview


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Would you please respond to some of my questions concerning asylum application. Several weeks ago my wife had her asylum interview and was told that she would not have to return to asylum office to receive officer's decision. A week later she received another interview notice to come for her second interview. I am wondering whether it is legal for INS to invite my wife for her second interview and what might be the reasons for conducting another interview. We just don't know what to think.
I would appreciate any comments if you experienced similar situation. Thanks a lot.
There is a possibility that they want her to come back so that they can explain to her the decision they made and the options she has. Remember, they have a responsibilty to tell those who are not approved about their options and the next steps that they may pursue, e.g. immigration judge hearing and so forth. i am not suggesting that she was not approved ( God I hope she was), I just meant that they have a procedure and they apply it to everyone. I do not think that she will have to go through another interview because I never heard about that before ( unless they fired the interviewer!!). However, the INS has been infamous for changing its ways all the time. Good luck
Second interviews actually do happen. The most common reason is that the interviewing officer feels that he/she did not ask all the relevant question the first time. Since the officer's tentative decision has to be reviewed and approved by a supervisor, a second interview is needed when the two cannot agree on the case's dispositon.

So the INS has the absolute right to request a second-or third or fourth, for the matter-interview.
Originally posted by Gilbert
Second interviews actually do happen. The most common reason is that the interviewing officer feels that he/she did not ask all the relevant question the first time. Since the officer's tentative decision has to be reviewed and approved by a supervisor, a second interview is needed when the two cannot agree on the case's dispositon.

So the INS has the absolute right to request a second-or third or fourth, for the matter-interview.
Something new to learn from you gilbert. Thanks