Asylee Derivative travel to Home country after Green Card


New Member
Can a person who received Green Card based on Asylee Derivative status(Son of person who got immigration on Asylum) travel to their home country?
Please advise. Thank you.
Yes, deriavative along with the principal asylee both can travel COP/ home country. Sometimes it might raise questions for the principal asylee during citizenship interview but that depends on so many factors. For example visiting cops for numerous times, extended stays etc. But as a derivative it's OK.
Once again just visiting COP doesn't necessarilly can cause problems but as mentioned it might. I visited COP once & in my citizenship interview I had no problem. I remember before travelling COP I consulted two attorneys regarding this matter & both discouraged me going to COP but I didn't listen & took my chance. And at the end even me as a principal asylee I was just fine. So the decesion lies every individul solely.
Atique, what about asylees leaving the country with a RTD?

I saw a link that said asylees who were previously involved in unauthorized employment might be barred from entering the country at the return.
i have the same Question please some share there experiances, i have to travel to UK for Work.