Arlington, VA - Passport stamped today 11/14/01, RD 02/05/01 AD 11/06/01


Registered Users (C)
Got courtesy copies by mail yesterday (11/13/01). Reached INS at 6.30 am and came out 11 am. The actual stamping process took only 5 minutes. went with courtesy copies only. There were around 70 people before me at 6.30!!! It was damn cold.. chilling... They let us to go in only at 7.30. I suggest wear warm apparels, even you need gloves and head bands.. Everybody there were cursing the cold.. Other than that every thing went ok, they called my number at 10.55, and stamping was done in 5 minutes for me, wife and son

I haven\'t received my courtesy copy yet. My approval date is 11/07/01.
When is your approval date? How long does it take to receive your approval notice? Thanks.
Thank you again. rapnpop, I hope to receive it today.

But I had a meeting tomorrow. When did they close the line? Is there a limit of 150 persons/day? Until what time did it reach the daily limit? 7:30am when the door open? You had to keep in the line before door open? or you could get a number and had a hot coffee at the next door Cafe/Photo store? Or went back to your car to keep warm?
Thank you again.
a question for rapnpop and others stamped at Arlington

If you took I-66 in the morning, is it HOV at that time?
rapnpop, I knew you went with your family memember. So it will be HOV OK. But I will there alone in the morning. And the all I-66 inside Beltway is HOV 2. Thank you for your information in advance.
There was not much traffic in the morning.

Infact I drove on non-HOV lanes. INS is 10 miles away from my home. My total drving time is 15 minutes. Strated at 6.15am and reached by 6.30 am