Are these July approvals real??


Registered Users (C)
Lately we are seeing a lot of postings claiming July\'01 RD approvals. When checked the past postings, see no previous records. July approvals look too good to be true!
no reason not to believe.....

off course we could have one or two bad apples but we wouldnt have so may guys/gals trying to make senseless mischief! Also a prudent thing to do would be to take the info enamating here only as a trend and dont make any life-breaking decisions based on this....
Once we attach the right weight to information, it doesnt matter if a few of the msgs turn out to be hoax. As a general rule, I dont believe the first few msgs indicating a trend. So in the current situation, probably JULY RD 485 approvals have started (since we have seen quite a few approval msgs). But I wouldnt bet on seeing my approval in the next day or two (my RD is Jul/31/2001) though I have seen a Jul/30 RD approval msg. But my expectation is that my approval is a matter of weeks rather then months (which it was before the JULY approval trend started). I am sorry if I appear to be preaching - just my 2 cents which I wanted to share after seeing some real frenzied posts here.
Seems like they picked up files with RD after 2nd week of July, 01

We see approvals with notice date on or after 12th July, 01. No approvals yet with ND in first two weeks of July, 2001. Any Comments

I believe them.....

I don\'t think there will be too many people out there enjoying their postings by misleading you and me. If at all there are.. they would definitely be one in thousands or even in millions... Who has that much time in the world? Also, there are tons of people who read all these but don\'t necessarily post messages on this forum... ( I myself used to follow the site, but it took me more than 2 years to post my first message) So, if not all of them.. I believe most of the July approvals are true.... You and me are in the q... I wish you good luck.... Just wait for our turn...
That\'s my wish too.

Hope they are real! I am not too sceptical, but the only thing I noticed that I don\'t see similar postings on other boards or groups.
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My friend got approval. his RD was 07/05/2001.I already posted this info on this site.