April Approvals ????? - believe me


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This is my first posting though I am not new to this forume. There are so many experts here that I never felt I can really contribute much , hence remained silent.
This is not my approval neither my friends but please don't start bashing me for it.
I belong to 02-165 series and I keep track of 800 EAC no (500 before + 300 after) around mine. There are actually 100nos of 485 cases in those in that range of 800 EAC's. I was tracking those numbers today and to my surprise there are 2 approvals on 07/30/03.
It is not fair on my part to fair on my part to make those numbers public but thay are from 02-165 series. 02-165 is having mid April notice date.
Just believe me - I am surprised too.
March RD could have Apr ND. Sometimes some cases are messed up when entered into the computer system, and possess a later ND
April 2002 per Rupnet

As per Rupnet, there are two approvals from April 2002 RDs, but probably aged out cases approved last year.
Originally posted by topazB
This is my first posting though I am not new to this forume. There are so many experts here that I never felt I can really contribute much , hence remained silent.
This is not my approval neither my friends but please don't start bashing me for it.
I belong to 02-165 series and I keep track of 800 EAC no (500 before + 300 after) around mine. There are actually 100nos of 485 cases in those in that range of 800 EAC's. I was tracking those numbers today and to my surprise there are 2 approvals on 07/30/03.
It is not fair on my part to fair on my part to make those numbers public but thay are from 02-165 series. 02-165 is having mid April notice date.
Just believe me - I am surprised too.

I don't understand your point saying
"not fair on my part to make them public" ...???

Those results are public and can be seen by any body if it is known. You can reduce the work load of people if you write them here.


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Chuck - These approvals are dated 07/30 and were not there when I scanned them last about a week back.

dengdeng - you may be right but very unlikely. My RD is 04/08 and ND 04/18.

Shantanu...Good way to extract more info...here u go...02-165-52***. Dont ask for more.

You guys are expert- can find it y'self.
there was a person on this board before RD is Oct, ND is same as
mid Dec ND, told us because his case get lost or sth, BCIS reassign him a new ND. I have seen some cases like that.
Even if it's one isolate Apr case, doesn't mean VSC started April.
They probably more concentrate on Jan cases right now. Even
Feb case should be considered lucky to be picked up.
Well, if you see rupnet, you will see approvals for even Oct'02 cases (that too approved 4 months back). Let's not ponder over these exceptional cases. Also it may not make much sense discussing about an unknown case. Either you report about your case or your friends case. That's all.
dsatish - I have made it very clear that these are neither my nor my friends approval. The reason for this posting was simple that these approvals seemed unusal and wanted to share with forume. I had no intention to ponder over others approval. But i believe this forume is to share info and this is certainly somthing I wanted to share.
hey - thanks for sharing! You can't blame us for doubting you - we have seen so many trolls on this forum, I guess everything is taken with a grain of salt :)
1)Well the guy would have done an early FP in Late May2002 and hence got picked up BCIS.[to avoid 2nd FP] 50%
2)Must have been a transferred guy who got approved. 20%
3)Age-out Case 30%

Either one of these..Seems logical..!!