Approvedddddddddddddddddddd (ND Jan 29th 2001)


Registered Users (C)
Now it is my turn to say "Approved". I checked the AVM just now and got the message "This case has been approved ....". It took nearly 3 1/2 yrs for the entire process.

I had spoken to an IIO yesterday and she had sent a request for follow up, since it has taken more than the normal time. My case was assigned to an officer sometime in october. My details are as follows

PD - July 98
RD - 19th Jan 01
ND - 29th Jan 01

This site has been very helpful for me. My special thanks to Rajiv khanna for maintaining this site.

Thank you yak & yeti for your advice.

God is great and have faith in him. Everything will be taken care of by him.
No Title

Mine was in EB2 category and I-140 was approved for AOS.

Thanks everybody. I think people whose case was taken more than the normal time, without RFE, should tell the IIO to send a "request for follow up". It helped in my case.

Good luck to everybody. Don\'t worry. Every dog has a day and my day was yesterday.

Congratulations!! buddy....I am very glad for you!! Take care and good luck on your passport stamping.

Best Regards,