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Finally heard the majic words on the AVM.
ND 12/5, other, no RFE. Called IIO yesterday and she filed "request for followup" since there was no movement in my case for over a month - all that time it has been with an officer, and today AN APPROVAL! Good luck to you all, there\'s hope at the end of the tunnel!
Help Pl.

RD: DEC24\'00
ND: JAN 4\'01
I Called the INS , The message said , They mailed a letter requesting additional information .
What kind of information they will be asking ?
I know generally they ask Employement verification letter (I am still with the same company). Other then this what else .
Do I need to prepare for anything else ?
Can you give more details?

Congrats! Some Dec cases are coming thro. Can you pls post your details like PD,RD,ND, EAC etc. What did you ask IIO for making her to do follow up?