

Registered Users (C)
I'm a new member and would like to let everyone knows that after 4 years of waiting period,my green card is now en route.Here is the approval e-mail message:

On September 15,2005,after approving your application,we ordered you a new card.Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

My timeline:
asylum ap:aug 18,2000
RD :aug 22,2001
Fingerprint:Jul 27,2004
RFI(Med & Biographic) :07/21/2005
RFI received by uscis :08/09/2005
Bio sent by uscis :07/25/2005 and scheduled for 08/10/2005
Bio done:08/10/2005
LUD :08/11/2005,08/30/2005,08/31/2005
RFE(I-602 '' use of false document'' & 1 year presence & Travels): 30/08/2005
Response File did by myself:
-1 year presence:just a printed letter stating that I've never travel+copies of forms W2 2000 and 2001.
-Travels:Just printed letter stating that since in the country I left the country twice(Ist time for France and the second time for UK+germany+france)+ copies of flight tickets and one I-94(the other one has been lost).In statement,details on travels dates and purpose of trip(Visit)
-I-602 :fill it out+just printed letter on 2 pages the reason for use of false document(My asylum story)
-RFE sent to uscis:09/04/2005 and received on 09/07/2005.
LUD :09/07/2005, 09/08/2005, 09/09/2005, 09/15/2005.
Approval e-mail:09/15/2005.
LUD :09/16/2005.
Now wating for.........
I hope this will help those who still waiting.Good luck to all of us,specially to Want,laser,PM,Windy,Sadmir,clevland and Karine(I can't read you any more,where you are Karine?)
Any question,Let me know.
Congrat for your Approval Cadel---
I bet you are Stress free right now about GC then before.
I also recived RFE I-602 from :confused: . And I have to explain them why i Enter USA EWI (Entry without Inspaction)
How big was your Statment and how many pages was that?
Did you attached your Job letter or any other letterfrom your friends or Family member?
Enjoy your Approval and GC.
Good luck to everyone
ND-Jan 2001
FP-July 2004
RFI-Aug 2005
BIO- Sep 2005
RFE- Sep 2005

Thanks for sharing it with us.
Congrats and hopefully a pleasant worry free beginning for you.

It gives plenty of hope to those of us who got a similar RFE as you.
To Mentos

Here is my I-602:
Part1: my name,Lin#,address,DOB,Place of birth;city,country and country of citizenship.
I have been declared inadmissible or ineligible for adjustement of statut under..... 212(a)(6)(c)(i) ( in the firt large box)

I am inadmissible because :Entering the US with a document not belonging to me after I fled my home country where I was subjected torture. (in the second large box)

I requet the waiver....Check For humanitarian reason and then in the last large box, I admit entering illegally the US.This was the only way the save my life ater being subject to torture in my home country.For more details,see attachement .
Then comes my statement in 2 pages.This is my whole asylum story
No job letters, no letters from friends or familly.Just my two pages of my asylum story and I got approved one week later.
Don't worry about this,just follow my instructions and you will be fine.
Most of I-602 get approved because this is an exception law for refugees?asyllees adjustement.Don't make your I-602 so heavy by bringing many stuffs .
Be very carefull to lawyers because most of them want just to make money and don't have much knowledges on so many forms.
Good luck.
I actually wrote just one page for my "Misrepresentation" waiver. I explained that I had to save my ass to get here which is what I said 5 years ago when I got the original asylum.

I will agree it's the right strategy ONLY if I get approved :p
Thanks Cadel for your Information and Suggetion.
Let us know when u got your Green Card. :)
Good Luck to everyone.
Congratulations, Cadel.

Thank you for the helpful information provided.

I don't quite understand the I-602 stuff. I have never used any false document. Does that mean I won't receive a RFE?
To sadasylee

The I-602 does not apply only for false document users.It's for lot of purposes,Like health trouble( mental,HIV,TB...).But refugees/asylees users of false document are more lucky to get approved than others cases.since you've entered the country legally and never had a health trouble,you can't get I-602 as RFE.You may get approuved without getting RFE or you may get RFE for others situations(Travels,Proof of 1 years presence,even if you've never traveled....)just be positive.You're so close and you're getting approved very soon.
Good luck.