Approved saw on web on line


Registered Users (C)
Want to share my happiness.

Saw my and my wife's approval online.

RD Sep 15, 2001, AD Oct 18th 2002

No RFE, no major incident to report.

Wish you all the very best of luck.
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Wish you good luck

Seems both of us had case assigned to same officer Mine RD is Same as your and got Approved Today . .

Congratulations and all the best! (what a start for your weekend!)

RD 01/29/02
ND 02/11/02
FP 04/12/02
jlt007 - congratulations to you and family

it looks like a great weekend for many of us :) :)

I got approved yesterday,, and then feb140 and RCYC1 and july16 and a few more got approved today

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Thanks for your good wishes. I have already updated my data on under the name jlt. Very best wishes to all of you.