Approved RD 09/28/2001


Registered Users (C)
By God's grace My case, my wife's case and my daughter's cases are approved on 10/11. There is a RFE on my son's case.
Any ideas on how much time does it take to mail the RFE.

My Details are:

PD: 12/29/2000.
RD: 09/28/2001
Nd :11/20/2001
FP : 02/27/2002
AD: 10/11/2002.

I do not have an Id at Rupnet. It would be great if some one could update the info there.

I wish good luck for all those waiting for approval.
Great-K Thanks.

Could any one provide an answer or a link to the related posts for the following.

1.Can we go for stamping at Arlington VA on any day.

2. If I would like to get my kids also to be stamped, do I need to take a photo for the kids also.

3. Any info on what is the best time be there by. and related info like parking etc....

Once again Thanks for your support.