Approved Oct RD/ Nov Rd on 1/31/03


Registered Users (C)
Mine and my wifes case was approved on Friday 1/31/03

My Wifes Rd - 10/18/01
My Rd - 11/30/01
ND - 11/30/01
RFE (Medical for wife) - 12/2/02
RFE Received by INS - 12/12/02
AD - 1/31/02, As per AVM and online status check.
Waiting for Approval Letter form INS.

This site was great, Thanks to Rajiv Khanna for providing this forum.
On Rupnet someone has already marked me as approved, so I am not adding the details again.
Thanks to everyone on this forum, and best wishes to all of those who are not approved, your turn is next and everyone will get approved soon.
Good news but

Can you please double check the RD and ND.
Especially, your RD and ND.
You state it as 11/30/01 for both which is a surprise ?
Also, did both of you (husband/wife) file for GC separately ??

Please let us know.
Anyways, many many congradulations..good luck.
The subject says: "Oct RD/Nov RD ... "

Maybe what he meant was Oct RD/Nov ND, i.e. RD: 10/30/01 and ND 11/30/01??

Yes my RD and ND is same. Me and my wife had filed our GC application at the same time, I am primary applicant and my wife is a derivative applicant.
When I saw this on my receipt, I had called up INS and they informed me that they had assigned me the EAC #, but forgot to enter in the computer system and realized it while printing the receipt, so entered in the system on 11/30/01, so my RD and ND are same and I would be treated as Nov RD case and my wife will be treated as Oct RD case.
Hope this information helps.